Mama Uses Needles

About me

Location Chicago, IL
Introduction It's really "all about me", isn't it. I traded in a pale imitation of a career as an art dealer to try and fulfill a lifelong dream. And that is To Sit On My Ass. I will sit on my ass to sew things for my baby (who I have also trained to Sit On Her Diapered Ass), and I also S.O.M.A. to write a book. Between these two pursuits, I do find time to walk the baby, walk the dog, and walk the wife. She also professionally sits on her ass at an office. This grants me the opportunity to do my sitting and spend aaaallll my time staring at the most rad and beautiful baby on the continent and imagining various upcycled clothes I can make for her. She is fat though, so right now it's like being a stylist for a water balloon. The End.