the art of memory
My blogs
Gender | Male |
Industry | Arts |
Occupation | old books on art, architecture |
Location | san francisco / oakland, california, United States |
Introduction | lists for memory, research for making movies, melancholia |
Interests | film, music, books, architecture, trains, rain, donkeys, landscape, abstraction, etc. |
Favorite Movies | chantal akerman, woody allen, michelangelo antonioni, robert altman, jacques becker, ingmar bergman, stan brakhage, robert bresson, frank capra, john cassavetes, charles chaplin, joseph cornell, david cronenberg, jules dassin, claire denis, carl theodor dreyer, clint eastwood, victor erice, rainer werner fassbinder, john ford, sam fuller, ernie gehr, larry gottheim, michael haneke, henry hathaway, howard hawks, werner herzog, alfred hitchcock, john huston, peter hutton, peter jackson, ken jacobs, jim jarmusch, wong kar-wai, elia kazan, krzysztof kieslowski, kurt kren, akira kurosawa, fritz lang, ernst lubitsch, sidney lumet, lumieres brothers, david lynch, terrence malik, anthony mann, jean-pierre melville, marie menken, tarrl lightowler, ermanno olmi, yasujiro ozu, f.w. murnau, roman polanski, michael powell & emeric pressburger, nicholas ray, jean renoir, jacques rivette, gus van sant (young death trilogy), paul schrader, martin scorsese, robert siodmak, douglas sirk, michael snow, preston sturges, andrei tarkovsky, bela tarr, jacques tati, lars von trier, jean vigo, andy warhol, peter watkins, chris welsby, james whitney, billy wilder, robert wise, william wyler |
Favorite Music | classic:, js bach, william basinski, beethoven, biber, gavin bryars, john cage, chopin, monsieur colombe, tony conrad, morton feldman, gurdjieff, jóhann jóhannsson, ali akbar khan, gidon kremer, franz liszt, marin marais, o. messiaen, ram narayan, pandit pran nath, phill niblock, charlemagne palestine, arvo part, maurizio pollini, elaine radigue, ravel, max richter, erik satie, jordi savall, f. schubert, g. scelsi, ravi shankar, shostakovich, a. webern, k. weill, la monte young ... other: 3/4 had been eliminated, keith berry, maurizio bianchi, birchville cat motel, the blithe sons, boxhead ensemble, andrew chalk, richard chartier, jonathan coleclough, colleen, deathprod, john duncan, brian eno, jgrzinich, bernhard gunter, the hafler trio, hala strana, arve henriksen, john hudak, giuseppe ielasi, philip jeck, thomas koner, mirror, bj nilsen, nordvargr, mnortham, nurse with wound (some), nils okland, stefano pilia, akira rabelais, steve roden, matt shoemaker, steven r. smith, spiracle, stars of the lid, supersilent, tape, scott tuma, uton, chris watson, peter wright, richard youngs, zelienople ... songs: akron family, malatu astatke, albert ayler, chet baker, the band, bonnie prince billy, david bowie, anouar brahem, peter brotzmann, vashti bunyan, john cash, leibard cohen, nat king cole, ornette coleman, john coltrane, current 93, bobby darin, walt dickerson, dirty three, eric dolphy, nick drake, bob dylan, earth, duke ellington, food, stan getz, barry guy, merle haggard, chico hamilton, iron & wine, george jones, krzysztof komeda, lee konitz, peter kowald, kris kristofferson, steve lacy, larsen, dean martin, charles mingus, grachan moncur III, thelonious monk, willie nelson, joanna newsom, herbie nichols, nico, gram parsons, evan parker, radiohead, dean roberts, jimmy scott, archie shepp, sigur ros, frank sinatra, smog, sons of the pioneers, tomasz stanko, david sylvian, cecil taylor, vu, tom waits, scott walker, m. ward, hank williams, robert wyatt |
Favorite Books | don quixote, dostoevsky, robert walser, borges, raymond queneau, h.p. lovecraft, chandler, franz kafka, melville, blindness by jose saramago, george perec, rilke, paul celan, edmond jabes, proust, musil, walter benjamin, blanchot, beckett, eco (the name of the rose), edgar poe, baudelaire, cormac mccarthy |