My blogs
- misdirectioncomi...
- Jordan's Writing
- Winnipegs Travelling Sketchbook
- Everything You Need To Know About Electricity
- Chasing Artwork
Blogs I follow
- Ben Shafer - Concept Art & illustration
- Frogrocket Illustration
- How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love to Draw
- KOS Artdump
- Project Unity3D
- Vector Art
- WillPower 3d
Gender | Male |
Industry | Arts |
Occupation | Graphic Designer |
Location | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada |
Introduction | I have been asked about my aspects of my training art background on a number of occasions- so I figured I would just tell the whole story here and be done with it. I grew up on a farm 10miles away from the closest town with a school, my family consisted of Mom, Dad, and 5 siblings (4sisters, 1 bro), a dog named Winston (after the ghost buster) and a cat named Garfield whom refused to die until he saw his 19th birthday. When I was about 7yrs old a particularly nasty storm blew down our TV antenna, my dad, being my dad, announced that he liked how we could no longer vegetate in front of the tv, and thus never bothered to re-attach the thing, leaving us kids to grow up without actual tv. (scary I know) this however resulted in an increase of drawing, reading and other such activities (lego especially, god yes the Lego. I built with lego 24/7). While we did not have any tv channels, we still had a physical TV to watch rented VHS movies on (lots of copied movies as well, shhh don't tell), and eventually a Sega Genisis, then a playstaion (Final Fantasy 7 had a lot to do with me practicing illustration in a serious way) |
Interests | Art, illustration, drawing, painting, and making pretty pictures |
Favorite Movies | Sunshine, Iron Giant, Treasure Planet, The Road to El Dirado, Advent Children, Tangled, Aliens |
Favorite Music | Glitch Mob, Clint Mansell |
Favorite Books | Wizards First Rule, Wheel of Time, Harry Potter |
if you had a superpower, what would it be?