Elma Schemenauer

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Publishing
Occupation Author & editor
Location Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Introduction My novel Song for Susie Epp starts in 1970. Susie, daughter of a Vancouver pill addict, sets out to build a better life for herself. Co-worker and fellow Mennonite Simon loves her courage—and her. But marrying him comes with a pushy, sanctimonious mother-in-law, Adeline. She manipulates Susie and Simon into leaving their beloved British Columbia grassland and moving to her Saskatchewan farming community. There, a shocking secret plunges Simon into depression and drinking. As Susie struggles to find a way forward, she gains a new empathy, resilience, and understanding of faith and freedom. Susie’s story features some of the same characters as Elma’s earlier novel Consider the Sunflowers. Song for Susie Epp, published by Farland Press, is 264 pages, paperback $22.99, e-book $5.99. Ask for it in a bookstore or library. Or order from one of its online sellers. They include Amazon, Indigo, and Kobo.
Interests History, reading, writing, recipes, family, community, the outdoors, ethnic and religious minorities, Christianity
Favorite Books The Bible, This Hidden Thing by Dora Dueck, The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese, Severed Roots by Nego Huzcotoq, Children of the Day by Sandra Birdsell, All the Living by C.E. Morgan, all of Thomas Hardy's novels