Bean Counting Knitter
My blogs
Gender | Female |
Industry | Accounting |
Occupation | Bean Counter |
Location | Columbus, Ohio, United States |
Introduction | My paternal Grandmother taught me to crochet as a child. My first name (Catherine) was taken from the middle name of my paternal Grandma too. My paternal Grandma passed on in 1989 but I fondly remember her every time I pick up a crochet hook. My maternal Grandmother was my knitting mentor as a child. I am mainly a self-taught knitter but I learned my early basic techniques watching her. I think this is where I learned to be a Continental thrower ~ by watching her knit English and throwing. I did the reverse of what she did. I can remember her telling me, Cathy, you are doing it wrong but your stitches are right. Boy if she could see me now with the DPN’s. She would be very happy! I am going to attempt gloves in her honor very very soon. Look out! Oh yeah and my middle name was taken from the middle name of my maternal Grandma (Louise). This Grandma passed away in 2004 but I still remember her while knitting my projects. She would be amazed at all of the online resources for knitters out there now. I remember her getting the Mary Maxim catalogs. I still have a Holly Hobby afghan and hooked rug she made for me as a child. |
Interests | Friends, family, music, knitting, reading, gardening, decorating, and relaxing! |