Richa AKA Richie Rich

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Observing Life
Location Mumbai, India
Introduction Richa AKA Richie Rich is a student of life, curious about everything, stubborn about nothing, loving and living each day at a time :) Over-user of emoticons :D
Interests Movies, Music, Books, Fashion, Beauty Products, History, Photography, Food, Astrology, Travel
Favorite Movies Bombay, To Kill a Mockingbird, Vertigo, Swades, My Cousin Vinny, Too many to mention, really :)
Favorite Music From Johnny Nash to Justin Timberlake and everything in between-Music is the food of my soul :)
Favorite Books To Kill a Mockingbird, Harry Potter, Diary of Anne Frank, The Book Thief, Love, Rosie and many more :) Especially anything by Mark Twain, George Bernard Shaw and O Henry :)