A rootdigger
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Nordic Blue
- Flower Hill Farm
- Ki Nassauer Style
- dream lane
- " Inspiration's by Christine "
- "AccordingtotheBook"
- "Diary of a Madd Weekly Painter"
- "Good to Know"
- $200 per day
- **My Desert Cottage**
- *A Tale of 2 Monkeys*
- *Cute ᾔ CooL*
- *The Graphics Fairy LLC*
- .
- . OutbackOzzieWriter
- ...find your own flower...
- 100 Years in America
- 14th Kentucky Infantry [US]
- 19th Century Historical Tidbits
- 2338 W. Washington Blvd.
- 500 Reasons I Love Germany
- :: C R E A T I V E G E N E ::
- <a href="http://hypnosebleckede.blogspot.com">Hypnose Bleckede - Der Blog</a>
- <b>Wishful Linking Family History Blog</b>
- [Family] History is the lie commonly agreed upon
- A Family Tapestry
- A Beach Cottage
- A Changing Life
- A Couple of Whiles
- A Day in the Life of Ramona
- A Family's Story - Horse Thieves and All
- A Hocking Hill's Garden
- A Light That Shines Again
- A Linguist's Guide to Genealogy
- A Piece of My Mind
- A Rootdigger
- A Rootdigger's Sunnyside
- A Simple Country Girl
- A Southern Daydreamer
- A Splintered Mind
- A Tale of Two Ancestors
- A Twig In My Tree
- A View from the Edge
- A Vintage Affaire
- a3Genealogy
- Acadian Ancestral Home
- Adventures in Genealogy Education
- Adventures in the Family Tree
- Aiken House &amp; Gardens
- Airplanes and Dragonflies
- All Caddywumpus
- Amanda&#39;s Athenæum
- An Antiquarian Collection
- Ancestor Genes
- Ancestor Search
- Ancestor Search Blog
- Ancestor Soup
- Ancestors of mine from Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky &amp; Beyond
- Ancestral Notes
- Andrea's Ancestors
- Angie's Roots Are Showing
- Anglers Rest
- Ann's Reading Corner
- Annie Gompf
- Anonui
- Appalachia Ponderings
- Apple's Tree
- Applestone Cottage
- Are My Roots Showing?
- Arkansas Roots: The Stories of my Family
- Attic Treasures
- Aus einem Garten im Fließtal
- Australian Genealogy Journeys
- Bad Gnus Softball
- Balcony Garden Dreaming
- Barking up Our Family Tree!
- Batchelors Way
- Beach Bear Villa, HHI
- Beaudoin-Laroche
- Before My Time
- Begin with 'Craft'
- Belajar SEO Blogspot
- BeNotForgot.com
- bev's genealogical vitals
- Beyond the Horizon
- Bits and Pieces
- Blog, Blog, Blog
- Blogging a Dead Horse
- Blondie's Journal
- Blood and Frogs: Jewish Genealogy and More
- Blundering Blindly Backwards
- Boston 1775
- Buckets of Gardening Ideas
- Burlap Luxe
- Call Me Grandma Dawn
- CAMBRIA CO, PA-My family of Bracken,Singer, &amp; Gabriel
- Campo Santo-holy ground
- Canoe Corner
- Card-Crazee Heather's Blog Spot
- Caswell County North Carolina
- CeleryTree
- Chapter &amp; Wurst
- Charming Blogs To Visit
- Chasing Ashes
- Cheap Chic Home
- Cherry Blossom Memories
- Cherry Hill Cottage
- ChicagoGenealogy: Research Insights from Study and Serendipity
- Chicagoland Cemeteries
- Chocolate Shavings
- Christian Frederick Meyer -Ancestors &amp; Descendants
- christian-with-a-view
- ChristophersJustImagine
- Chroniques de la Prairie
- Cinderella Of Boston
- Cindy's Place
- Circlemending
- Civil War Notebook
- Claudias Thoughts
- Claus Dalby - min grønne verden
- Climbing My Family Tree
- Climbing My Family Tree
- Climbing the O'Connell Family Tree
- Clotted Cognition
- coco+kelley
- Coffee Pot People
- Color Outside the Lines
- Comfortably Carried Away
- Coming Down the Mountain
- common ground
- Confessions of a Geneaholic
- Confessions of An Authoress
- Connecticut Genealogy
- Conrad Art Glass &amp; Gardens
- Conversation With Ancestors Past
- Cottage Hill
- Cottage Violets
- Crafts
- Crazy Rambling Thoughts
- Creative Home Expressions
- Cultured Carbon County
- Cute Food For Kids?
- Daily Genealogy Transcriber
- Dan Faires
- Deb's Adventures in Genealogy
- Debbiedoo's
- Debi's Design Diary inside the life of a wanna-be TV host
- Delia's Genealogy Blog
- Denise's Life in the Past Lane
- Desperately Seeking Surnames, Genealogy and Family History
- Destination: Austin Family
- Detour Through History
- Diary Of a Cracked Pot
- Digging under my family tree...
- Donna's Art at Mourning Dove Cottage
- dorset days
- Down to the Roots, The Book of Me
- Dr D Digs Up Ancestors
- Dr. Bill Tells Ancestor Stories
- Dreaming About Home
- Edible Landscape Blogging
- Edith Hope
- Ellen Dyrop
- English Epochs 101
- Everything's Relative - Researching Your Family History
- Fairy Cottage and Garden..... Re- Enchanted Life of a Domestic Mystic
- Family and Other Stuff
- Family Archaeologist
- Family Cherished
- Family History Fun
- Family History Images
- Family History In Real Life with The Barefoot Genealogist
- Family History Productions
- Family History Tracing
- family lines
- Family Matters
- Family Stories
- Family Tree Discoveries
- Family Tree Gal
- Family Trees May Contain Nuts
- Family, Friends and Neighbors
- Fantastic Family Findings
- Far Side of Fifty
- Father Christmas
- Fatherhood
- Feathering My Nest...
- Find My Ancestor
- Find Your Heritage - Genealogy and family tree web
- Finding the Flock - A Genealogy Research Blog
- Finnestad Ancestry
- Fishtail Cottage
- Fjeld Township
- flea market trixie
- Flipside
- Footsteps Of The Past
- Forays into family history
- Forgotten Old Photos
- Forks In My Trees
- Forward Into the Past
- FOUND AT AN AUCTION....a photo-gene blog
- Fra Norge til Flom, Minnesota
- Fra Norge til Minnesota . . . .
- Free Genealogy Resources
- french essence
- Frenchgardenhouse
- Friends, Family and Relations
- From the Shadows to the Page
- Garden Handyman
- Garden Whimsies by Mary
- Gardening and Gardens
- Garrison Family Roots
- Gartenbuddelei
- Ge-ne-al-o-gy 101
- Gena's Genealogy
- GenBlog
- Gene Notes
- Geneageek
- Genealogical Gems
- Genealogy
- Genealogy After Bedtime
- Genealogy and Me
- Genealogy Dragnet
- Genealogy Frame of Mind
- Genealogy Fun
- Genealogy Gazette
- Genealogy is Addicting
- Genealogy is Ruthless without Me
- Genealogy of Oldendorf, und Nahrendorf
- Genealogy of Vinton Families
- Genealogy Pilgrimage &amp; Stories Along the Way
- Genealogy Quest
- Genealogy Stories
- Genealogy Tip of the Day
- Genealogy: Our Astounding Past
- GeneGal's Unknown Photos
- General Store Arts
- GenerationPromise.com
- Generations Of Germans
- Genwriting
- Gerry's Blog
- Ghost Word
- Ginisology
- Google Docs Blog
- Grace and Glory
- Graceful Cottage Gardening
- Gramma's House
- GransDoings
- GreatGreats
- Greenspirit Arts
- Greta's Genealogy Bog
- Guide 29 - Tutorials | Articles
- Haas and Grimm Family From Baden Germany
- Hacienda Circle
- Hanging from the Family Tree
- Happy To Design
- Hartwood Roses
- Heritage Zen:
- Highway 99
- Historie
- Hoffman Family News
- Homemade Soda Expert
- Honning og flora
- Hops ~ So much more than beer...
- House of Whimsy
- Hunting Ancestors
- I Like To Be Here When I Can
- In My Life
- In My Opinion
- Indiana Dillmans
- Inside History Magazine blog
- iPentimento | Genealogy and History
- Is Meets Was
- Ivory Blush Roses
- Jan's Things
- Janet the researcher
- Jeffrey Bale's World of Gardens
- Jennifer's Genealogy Blog
- JHD Family History
- Jim's Filing Cabinet
- Jirene's Genealogy Treasures
- Jo and Sue
- Jo Blogs
- Joe &amp; Di&#39;s Allotments &amp; Kitchen Garden
- Journey to the Past
- Journeys Past
- Joyous Tomorrows
- Junghans Ancestry
- justamomentpixels
- Karens Crocheted Garden of Colors
- Kathleen Brown
- Katrins Landleben
- Keeping Up with the Joneseses
- Kentucky in My Heart
- kinexxions
- kingsinperu
- Knee Deep in Bloomers
- Lady Katherine Tea Parlor
- Lady Liberty Patriot
- Ladybug Creek
- last2cu
- laughing with angels
- Lavender Garden Cottage
- Leah's Family Tree
- Lena Katrine`s Scrappeskreppe
- Life From The Roots
- Linens and Royals
- Living Beautifully
- Lost Talwar Family
- Lovely etc.
- Lucas and Cummins Heritage
- Lucie's Legacy
- Lutjens Family History
- Luxegen Genealogy and Family History
- Magic Moonlight Free Images
- Marian's Roots and Rambles
- Marie Arden Pink Living
- Marilyn's Family History News
- Mary Jane's Genes
- Mary's Musings
- Meine Ahnen in Schlesien
- mercier12-Tom
- Midwest Genealogy
- Mikey Fuller | Interiors
- Mikkel's Hus
- Miranda Blogger
- Miss Mustard Seed
- Mole's Genealogy Blog
- Mom's Country Cookin
- Mon Jardin Mes Merveilles
- Montana History Revealed
- Moss Family Remembrances
- Murmurd's Franco-American and Québec Genealogy
- Musenkuesse
- Musings of an Artist&#39;s Wife
- Musings of MidwestAncesTree
- My Ancestors and Me
- My Big Fat Cajun/Irish/ Scottish/English/German/ French/Southern Family Blog
- My Colored Roots
- My Cottage of Content
- My Diamond Jubilee
- My Family History Data
- My Family Research Adventures
- my french country home
- My Genealogy Pondering
- My Genealogy Research
- My Georgia Roots
- My Listening Heart
- my little bit of the world.
- My little cottage in the making
- My Mossman Ohana
- My Papa's Book
- My Romantic Home
- My Scots Ancestors
- My Shabby Streamside Studio
- MyFamilyRootsRunDeep
- Nap Time Crafters
- Nearby Norwegians
- neverenoughflowers
- NGS Family History Conference
- No Sugar, Wheat, Gluten or Soda!
- Nolichucky Roots
- NRLT Notes
- Nutfield Genealogy
- Oakes Family Tree
- Of Trolls and Lemons
- Official Blogger Blog
- Old Stones Undeciphered
- Olive Tree Genealogy Blog
- One Cheap B*tch
- One Moment At A Time
- One Opinionated Momma
- Opulent Cottage
- Our Brummie Family Tree
- Our Family Quilt
- Our Journey West
- Pam's English Cottage Garden
- Patten Genealogy
- Penny's Vintage Home
- Perfectly Imperfect
- Pink Roses and Teacups
- Plain Chicken®
- Pollyanna Reinvents
- Poplar Hill Farm
- Prince Family Tree
- Priscilla's Cottage
- Quarry Garden Stained Glass
- Quill Cottage
- quiltcat
- R. I. P.
- Rainy Day Genealogy Readings
- Ramblings from an English Garden
- Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer
- Random Relatives
- Ready or Not
- Reflections
- Reflections From the Fence
- Reliving Our Family History
- Restored Memories Studio
- rikshaw design
- Romantiska Hem
- Room Seventeen
- Roots and Stones
- Roots'n'Leaves
- Rose Petals from Heaven
- Rosehaven Cottage
- Rosy Inspiration
- Ruby Jean
- Rustic Grace Goods
- Rustique Art Blog
- S.K. Mayhew, Kid Lit Writer
- Sara's Fave Photo Blog
- Sassy Jane Has Moved!
- Saturdays Child
- Scottish Genealogist
- Searchin' for Kinfolk
- Searching for Strickland Ancestors
- Seattle Genealogical Society Library Blog
- Serenity in the Garden
- Sew Its Finished
- Shadows Of My Mind
- Sharing Their Stories
- Sharon's Family and Other Stuff
- Shirl's Scrappins,Pictures, and Collections
- sidewalk shoes
- Simpson Family Genealogy
- Singing With Birds
- Smiddy Family Genealogy
- Smithsons FromWatton To Wakefield
- Solid Rock or Sinking Sand
- Someday Crafts
- Sophia's Sundries
- Southern Greens
- Spence-Lowry Family History
- Spreading Seeds
- St. Vincent Memories
- Stampotique Designers Challenge
- Stardust 'n' Roots
- Still Digging for Roots
- Stories by Me!
- Stories of my Ancestors
- Story of a Girl
- StudentsOfDescent
- Styling Magazine by Coty Farquhar - Australia
- Suburban Retreat
- Sumner County Kansas History &amp; Genealogy
- Sun Breaks
- Surf Chick 100
- Susi's Chatty Performances on Genealogy
- Sussi's Sussinghurst
- sweet pea home
- Swinging from Branch to Branch
- T h e R o s e b a n k D i a r i e s
- Talking to Plants
- Tennessee Memories
- That Bloomin' Garden
- The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree
- The Armchair Genealogist
- The Beer Garden
- The Blog Doctor.
- The Blogger Guide
- The Bowden's of Popes Creek: Westmoreland County VA
- The Checkered Chicken
- The Dead Relative Collector
- The DuBrule Diaries
- The Faces Of My Family
- The Family Curator
- The Family Face
- The Family Recorder
- The French Cupboard
- The Friday Friends Big Backyard
- The Galloping Gardener
- The Geneaholic
- The Genealogy Genie
- The Genealogy of Torre le Nocelle, Italy
- The Genealogy Search
- the HEMBREE hombre'
- The Historian's Family
- The Journey Takers Blog
- The KINNICK Project
- The Laurel Hedge
- The Lineal Arboretum
- The Magic Onions :: A Waldorf Inspired Blog
- The O'Neill - March Family History Blog
- The Pieces of My Past
- The Purple Muse
- The Real Blogger Status
- The roots of it all
- The Roseland Family
- The Scrappin Genealogist
- The Scrappy Genealogist
- The Secret Garden
- The Shabbiest Chick
- The Smith's Bennie and Patsy
- The Sum Of All My Research
- The Thrift Shop Romantic
- The Ties That Bind
- The Turning of Generations
- The Vintage Bag Lady
- The We Tree Genealogy Blog
- The World in Black &amp; White
- They Came Before
- They Came To Montana
- Things I Make...Things I do...
- Threading needles in a haystack: the genealogy journey
- Thru my Sydney Eye
- TJL Genes : Preserving Our Family History
- Tracing the Tribe - Talwar Genealogy Blog
- TransylvanianDutch
- Tree Climbing With Grandma Sonja
- Triebwasser Family Genealogy
- Tucker Family Genealogy
- Twice Upon a Time.......
- Two Nerdy History Girls
- Under His Wings
- Under The Table and Dreaming
- Untangled Family Roots
- urban farmgirl
- VerflixteNadel
- Video Biography Central
- View From the Bluffs
- View from The Treehouse
- Vignettes Antiques
- VINTAGE HOME lifestyle...
- Vintage Vignette
- Virginia Family Tree Genealogy
- Visit My Garden
- Voices: Past and Present
- Wardills of Yorkshire and beyond
- Weir Family Tree
- Welcome to Boxwood Cottage
- West in New England
- Western Kentucky Genealogy Blog
- Where I Come From
- Who Plants a Seed...
- Who We Were, Are &amp; Will Be Our Family
- Who Will Tell Their Story?
- Wife, Mother, Gardener
- wind and trees
- World In Green
- World Turn'd Upside Down
- World War II London Blitz Diary's: 1939-1945
- Yesterday is here
- Your Genetic Genealogist
- {Linda at My Shabby Rose Cottage}
- ღ lille blomst ღ
Gender | Female |
Location | Lewisville, Minnesota, Midwest, United States |
Introduction | As a young bookworm, day dreaming child, I always wondered about the cousins that I thought I must have in Germany [ Bleckede and Luneburg]. I was able to start Genealogy with computer around 2001, I still have limited knowledge in computer technology, grammer, spelling, and in the genealogy techniques. I make up for my limits by my persistence in wanting to share all I can. Also by my persistence in my search. I have discovered the family members of the 'Meyer Book'. I am still hoping to meet so many more of this vast family. I started this blog to serve the need I have to talk about my details of genealogy [journal] of all my surnames. Especially the locations of family settlements. Your warned, that there will be discussions of the details of the problem situations with the surnames I have had, etc. I am known to talk and talk about it until my family and friends eyes glaze over. I guess this blog may help save them from too much of that. I hope family will join in help problem solve and share more of the various family stories and insights and ideas. Non family as well. I have put the information out there and now I am waiting for family to come. |
Interests | Gardening, gardens, plants, birds, butterflies, Babies, children, humor, as long as it isn't housework. victorian, vintage, sepia, trash to treasure, romantic, shabby, cottage, cottage life, genealogy, sewing, cottage decorating, decorating, reading, computer, cruising the internet, family history, family tree, genealogie, and of course my family, [ as the most important in the circle of my life]. |
Favorite Movies | Bridgets Diary, Gone with the Wind, Becoming Jane, Jane Eyre, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Little Women, Patch, Always, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm |
Favorite Music | Crystal Gale, Leon Redbone, What I hear on the radio now. Though I usually listen to, talk shows, Public radio, and 88.0 or 88.3. Love Blues, Jazz, and Rock, folk songs, Classical, Instrumental. |
Favorite Books | A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Green Dolphin Street, Genealogy books, Charlotte Wodage's book about Dahlenburg, Familien Kund of Himbergen by Heinrich Porth and Gunda Freisch, Heinrich Borstelmann's books. History book of counties. Old children stories. |
You have to dig a hole to China. Where do you start?
Love that question. The idea has fascinated me since childhood. I wish you would say I can dig to Germany. I would be there already!