SB in SB
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- 9to5Chic
- A Spoonful of Style
- Advice from a Twenty Something
- apartment 34
- Apron Anxiety
- Arts & Culture RSS Feed
- Awesome!
- bread & honey : a food blog.
- Catalog Living
- Celebrate Everything! | Recipes and Inspiration by Debbi Covington
- Channeling Contessa
- Cheetah is the New Black
- Citron & Vanille
- Connor's Blog
- could i have that?
- CouldIHaveThat
- Creative Thursday
- Damsel in Dior
- Design Darling
- eat.sleep.wear.
- Fashion Jackson Blog
- Food and Friendship
- food52 - food community, recipe search and cookbook contests
- George Eats
- Glitter and Grace
- Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef
- Green Kitchen Stories
- Grey Matter Marketing
- gutfud - the food, es ist gut
- Happily Grey
- Hostess with the Mostess®
- in praise of leftovers
- Ivory Lane
- Jordan Ferney | Oh Happy Day!
- Kendi Everyday
- lark + linen
- Luella & June
- M Loves M
- Megan Runion // For All Things Lovely
- MonkeyPete
- Much To My Delight | funny stories and fun with friends in new york city
- My New Roots
- Nikki Dinki Cooking
- Not Without Salt
- Orangette
- Party Perfect
- Penny Pincher Fashion
- Pink Peonies
- s e e r s u c k e r + s a d d l e s
- Saucy Glossie
- sfgirlbybay
- smitten kitchen
- Sous Style
- Sprouted Kitchen
- Sunday Suppers
- Tea & Cookies
- The Amateur Gourmet - AideRSS (Best)
- The Average Girl's Guide
- The Daily South
- The Effortless Chic
- The Fallons
- The Fancy Pants Report
- The Pioneer Woman Cooks!
- The Refined Woman
- The Wednesday Chef
- The Wiegands
- The Year In Food
- The Yellow House
- Thug Kitchen
- vmac+cheese
- Yummy Mummy Kitchen | A Vibrant Vegetarian Blog
- { fleur de sel }
Location | Santa Barbara, CA |
Introduction | Both sides of my family hail from Alabama, and despite being an Army Brat, I spent most of my life in Southern Virginia. Yet I somehow ended up in the Land of Fruits and Nuts. As the story goes, I followed a boy out west, but the experience was like finally finding a comfortable pair of heels. I love the beach, the mild climate, the vineyards, the year-round fresh produce, and the eco-consciousness. Above all, though, Santa Barbara appeals to me because it’s a culinary paradise. Just like I was born a Southerner, I think I was born with foodie genes. The earliest memories I have are of being around food: the growing of it, cooking of it, and eating of it. My grandmother, Monk, in fact, is a legendary cook — friends and family drive for hours just to swoon over one of her buttermilk biscuits. I feel the combination of my Southern roots and Left Coast sensibilities make me a global citizen of sorts, one who appreciates and synthesizes the best parts of my family’s rich history and my own lucky discoveries. |