My blogs
Blogs I follow
Location | Marietta, Georgia, United States |
Interests | Chinese adoption, China Adoption, CCAI, International adoption, China, adoption, Chinese children, Chinese Children Adoption International, reading, gardening, cooking, decorating, Birkenstocks, interior design, crafts, travel, beaches, playing board games, socializing with friends, ethnic foods, ethnic restaurants, dining out, bento, obento, bento boxes |
Favorite Movies | O Brother Where Art Thou?, The Princess Bride, Like Water for Chocolate, Eat Drink Man Woman, Waking Ned Devine, Shrek, There's Something About Mary, Keeping the Faith, Leap of Faith |
Favorite Books | If it includes a serial killer and/or an autopsy, it is likely to make my favorites list, Baldacci, Cornwell, Deaver, Fairstein, Z.A.Fox, Kellerman, O'Shaughnessy, Reichs, Patterson, Gerristen |