Scott B. Lesch
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- An Old Belgian Otaku
- Army Red/White and Others...
- Castles of Tin
- Fort Apache Supersized
- Gunfreak's Historty of War
- I LIKE the things I LIKE!
- I Was A Teenage Visigoth
- Jason Whitman's Historical Minutia
- Laughing Ferret
- My 1/32 world
- Notes from the Crimea
- Peter's Cave
- Russian Style Reenactment
- Sam's Minis World
- Small Scale World
- Steam, Steel and Torpedoes
- Tabletop Diversions
- The Cap'n's Blog
- The Company 'Q' Dispatches
- The Mad Padre's Wargames Page
- This Is the War that Never Ends...
- Toy Soldier Thoughts
- Toy Soldiers and Dining Room Battles
- WAB Corner
- War Diaries of a Little Englander
- Wooden Warriors
Gender | Male |
Location | Gloucester, Massachusetts, United States |
Introduction | Toy Soldier Painter, Retired from Reenacting the US Civil War and American Revolution. Lovely wife and one grown son and a grown daughter. |
Interests | Retired CW and Rev War reenactor, Toy Soldier maker and Collector, Movie Buff |