Henrik von Scheel

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About me

Gender Male
Occupation Business Model Innovator | Transformation Enterprise Architect | Board Member | Author of SAP Bestseller #1: Applying Real-World BPM | LEAD Frameworks co-author | BPM and EA Blueprint Practitioner |
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Introduction Recognized as one of the most influential thinkers on strategy execution. Through his academic research, publications and efforts in standards bodies he has evolved the mainstream thinking of strategy execution. As a patternicity scientist, he has left a mark on how leading organizations operate today, with his distinguished contribution in identifying the archetypes and interconnectability of repeatable patterns concerning best practices (what works well), industry practices (performance accelerators) and leading practices (outperforming & value patterns). For most Fortune 500 & public organizations, Henrik von Scheel, is synonym as a thought leader, visionary and game changer that challenges and defies outmoded business models.
Interests Board Services, Strategy Execution, Enterprise Architecture, BPM, BPMN, Blueprints & Roadmaps, Framework Comparison, Project Angel, Training & Coaching, Business Model Mgt. & Innovation Enablement, Value & Performance Mgt., Decomposition & Composition, Layered Enterprise Architecture

Lionesses have no manes. How do they know when they've grown up?

My dream is to link what companies CAN, WANT and SHOULD DO with HOW they go about it. What's yours?