Jim Milks
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Academics Review
- All Models Are Wrong
- All Models Are Wrong | …but some are useful. A grown-up discussion about how to quantify uncertainties in modelling climate change and its impacts, past and future.
- And Then There's Physics
- Arctic Sea Ice
- Bad Astronomy
- Climate Denial Crock of the Week
- Dot Earth
- EcoTone
- Environment: Climate Consensus - the 97% | theguardian.com
- Guy McPherson's blog» – Guy McPherson's blog
- HotWhopper
- NCSE | National Center for Science Education - Defending the Teaching of Evolution in Public Schools.
- Open Mind
- PLoS Blogs
- Rabett Run
- Scholars and Rogues
- science: what's new online
- Shaping Tomorrow's World
- Starts With A Bang! - Medium
- Stoat
- Stonekettle Station
- The Science of Doom
- Weather and Climate
- Wonk on the Wildlife