Kris at AintNobodysMama

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About me

Gender Female
Location United States
Introduction I'm an artist with a masters in sarcasm. I loves me some vodka and I tend to use the F-word more than a "lady" should. I am childless by choice. The Hubs and I just never wanted children, so we didn't have any. No biggee. However, our lives are not childfree by any means. Between those of relatives and friends, we have more than a few kiddos around. This works out great for the parents because we enjoy spending time with them and their kids. It works out even better for us because we can take the little boogers home when they aren't so much fun. After 25+ years together, there's no one who can make me laugh more or who I'd rather share an adventure with than my Hubs. Thankfully, for some bizarre reason, he feels the same way about me. :)