Prison Abolitionist

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About me

Industry Student
Occupation Prison Abolitionist (freelance)
Location Phoenix, AZ, United States
Introduction I moved to Arizona in 2004 after a nearly 20-year career in human services in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Most of my experience was as an advocate serving people with serious mental illness who were either homeless or at high risk. As the prison has long since surpassed the state hospital as the designated warehouse for society's mentally ill, I dealt a lot with all aspects of the criminal justice system. Undoubtedly these experiences have contributed to my understanding of the prison industrial complex and my commitment to thoroughly dismantle it.
Interests Prison abolition / Prison Industrial Complex - that seems to cover everything else.
Favorite Movies Iron-jawed Angels.
Favorite Music The laughter of a mother and her children.
Favorite Books Resistance Behind Bars: Women's Resistance In Prison (Victoria Law)

Why do we continue this practice of mass incarceration, at such extraordinary human and economic expense, with so much evidence that it doesn't work?