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About me

Gender Female
Location Fairview, UT, United States
Introduction I am 52 a Disabled widow of 2 young women. My oldest got married this year. She will be graduating with a B.A. of Science summer 2015. My baby is a senior at U of U she keeps changing majors. Summer of 2015 have had health issues more, car problems and spent most time away from home. I have read a lot of books in my past. Just gave away a couple of pickup loads of books. Love ebooks for the fact easy to store. I am always having to charge my kindles. Hate the fact can only loan some ebooks and then only one time. Still have book cases in almost every room. Over six still in my bedroom. Read at least one book a day. Love clean reads. Hate too much sex scenes and details and swearing in books. Love stories that I can get lost in. good dialog, interesting characters that I care about. love Romance, westerns, mysteries, fantasy, science fiction, YA, children, Amish fiction, Christian, LDS and other books. We are a family who love to read. I grew up reading we had to my last name was Reid.
Interests reading, contests, making hats, church, family