Augusto Shearer
My blogs
Gender | Male |
Industry | Communications or Media |
Occupation | Producer |
Location | City Bell, La Plata, Argentina |
Introduction | "Tengo la mente abierta, pero no tanto como para que el cerebro se me caiga al suelo" |
Interests | me interesa todo, bueno, casi todo... |
Favorite Movies | Lock, Stock And two Smoking Barrels. Meet Joe Black. Fight Club. The Nightmare Before Christmas. Back to the Future. |
Favorite Music | De todo, más que nada el Brit-Pop; Oasis, Blur, etc. Pink Floyd es la banda más importante de la historia de la música. |
Favorite Books | Nightmares and Dreamscapes (Stephen King) Insomnia (Stephen King) Harry Potter y el prisionaro de Azkaban (J.K. Rowling) Ceremonia Secreta (Marco Denevi) Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Carol) |
The love potion you made tastes terrible. How will you drink it?
yeap, of course!