metadataconsulting (profile)

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About me

Gender Male
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Introduction Metadata Consulting ( brings truly "out-of-the-box" innovative thinking to bring success to your endeavor. Proven experience in enterprise theatre with multi-million dollar realized savings. Honors & Awards ★ Microsoft MVP Award - 5yrs ★ Worldwide Entrepreneur Finalist, HORUS Award ★ User Interface Engineering "Advance Design & Usability Techniques" Top Gun Award ★ ICCO-Friuli Innova Awards 2018 for my commercial software "Path Tool Long Auto Fixer Tool" ★ Winner of the DCI Warehouse, World Excellence in Business Information Award ★ Wilshire Award for Best Practices in Metadata Management ★ Windows Insider MVP
Interests Cutting-edge technology distilled and deployed to all to benefit from and easy-to-use
Favorite Movies Ghost in the Shell (1995) - the orginal

Get called Kingslayer Doppleganger all the time, so I went with it.