Springer Kneeblood

My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Occupation Nothing life-saving, nor life-threatening, so don't worry.
Location Semi-rural, in a regrettably red state, United States
Introduction The purpose of this blog is to give its keeper a place to record his thoughts, a place to learn from his visitors, and a place to learn from himself. I am a man who knows little of himself, but much about little.
Interests Everything along the Brittle Road.
Favorite Music Leonard Cohen, R.E.M., Dire Straits, Leo Kottke, Moody Blues, Greg Brown, Loudon Wainwright III, Tom Waits, Santana, Townes Van Zandt, Tracy Chapman, Ry Cooder, Djanko Fjeld and Andersen, many more
Favorite Books In the Autumn Wind, The Shipping News, The Year of Magical Thinking, There are Men Too Gentle to Live Among Wolves, lots more.

In the dream where you show up to school naked, why do you never go swimming?

I do go swimming naked, just at a different school.