दलिप कुमार मीना

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About me

Gender Male
Industry Communications or Media
Occupation Reasearch Student
Location AJMER, Rajasthan, India
Links Wishlist
Introduction नाम-दलिप कुमार मीना (शोधकर्त्ता एंव स्वतंत्र पत्रकार) जन्म- 1जनवरी1987 स्थान- अजमेर,राजस्थान शिक्षा- भारतीयजनसंचारसंस्थान,नईदिल्ली ईमेल-dk.sikar@gmail.com मोबाइल-8233538698
Interests read, write& eat, listing, playing, watching and travaling and of coures sleeping.
Favorite Movies like any comedy and love story.
Favorite Music no any special..
Favorite Books depend books.