Paget's Blog

My blogs

About me

Introduction My name is Paget Anne of Essendon [Paget Hillebrand ©] LAc, PhD. Welcome to my blogsite. We will explore unique, alternative healing modalities and various points of view on controversial topics such as 5G & vaccines. We will also venture interdimensionally and do some “ghost busting”. I hope the articles whet your appetite to research further. Please also Like my facebook page AuthenticSelf Acupuncture & Beyond & my Youtube channel at Thank-you. Now, go, anchor the Light. Hwa!
Interests I am interested in seeing you use a land line, use ether cable for internet, leave your cell phone at home, experience IV vitamin C if you have the enzyme, read long ago published books, investigate Restore, and ask your doctor questions when they make statements. Ask for the study behind their statement that proves it.

Conscious consumers can make a difference. Regarding the 5G attack, GMO attack and other attacks...What are you going to do?