Leta Renee Miller

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About me

Introduction Leta Miller is a spiritual living coach residing in Wichita, Kansas. Sharing her passion for life, she facilitates classes and playshops and offers individual coaching sessions and group programs. Leta is a Level 1 Certified Forrest Yoga Instructor offering private yoga instruction in Wichita and classes at Clearwater Wellness Center west of Wichita. Leta is also a MELT Method Hand and Foot and Level 2 Instructor, offering workshops, private instruction and classes in Wichita and Clearwater. She is the author of the book "WHOA! Slow Down and Ponder a Life of Wholeness, Health, Openness and Action." Leta’s website is www.believeenterprises.com.
Favorite Movies Field of Dreams
Favorite Books Inspired & Unstoppable, The Big Leap, The Untethered Soul, The Power of You