The Chinese guy

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Location Manchester / Tai Po
Introduction The Chinese guy is currently living in Manchester UK. He was born and raised in the UK until he was 8; then his Dad moved to Hong Kong. Turning his life upside down. The Chinese guy adapted quickly to this change, but then moved back to the UK for reasons only known to himself for an indeterminate period of time. The Chinese guy worked for a bit, then spent years of high school in the Manchester Area before moving to London. He then decided to make a trip of a life time on a motorbike writing a book about it and pissing everybody off as everybody thought he was dead. The Chinese guy has a misguided belief that he is well versed in Chinese history, politics, and sociology. Having spent time on opposite sides of the planet with a quirky cynical view of both Chinese and British society. The Chinese guy thinks this makes him completely unqualified to answer your questions. The Chinese guy therefore promises to do his best at answering your questions and attempting to dispel general ignorance about cross-cultural differences. When he has a moment between penning his next best selling book, sleeping and generally doing other things.