
My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location Riverside, MO, United States
Introduction Peggy Rides a Bike...for adventure. Peggy Rides a Bike...for fitness. Peggy Rides a Bike...for tacos. Peggy Rides a Bike...for social interaction. Peggy Rides a Bike...for solitude. Peggy Rides a Bike...for serenity. Peggy Rides a Bike...for her sanity. To be honest - I don't ride a bike for one reason. I ride to make friends - but I also ride to be alone. I ride to push myself out of my comfort zone - but I also ride to deal with the demons in my head. I ride to help me stay sober - but also to give me a high. I ride for competition - but also to help others achieve their goals. Each time I get on the bike, I learn something new about myself. So, I thought I would write some things down about my adventures.