Vince Casarez, Keste

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About me

Industry Technology
Occupation Sr Vice President of Technology
Location Plano, TX, United States
Introduction Runs the Middleware and WebCenter Practices at Keste that includes Portals, Content, Composites, and Security. Prior to joining Keste, Vince was vice president of product management at Oracle for the Web 2.0 technology development, Enterprise 2.0, and portal products. His career at Oracle spanned 16 years, where he was one of the co-creators of WebCenter. He also had responsibility for managing the WebCenter development team handling the Web 2.0 and social computing services. Prior to this, he focused on hosted portal development and operations which included Oracle Portal Online for external customers, Portal Center for building a portal community, and My Oracle for the employee intranet. Prior to his portal work, he was Vice President of Tools Marketing handling all tools products including development tools and business intelligence tools. Before running Tools Marketing, he was Director of Product Management for Oracle's JDeveloper. Leading up to Oracle, Vince spent 7 years at Borland International where he was group product manager of Paradox for Windows and dBASE for Windows. He holds a bachelors degree in Biochemistry from the University of California, Los Angeles.
Interests Basketball, Glacier Climbing, Biking, Ab Diving
Favorite Movies Cool Hand Luke
Favorite Books Ghost Soldiers