Martin Hassman
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On Blogger since March 2007
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Gender | Male |
Industry | Internet |
Occupation | Editor |
Location | Prague, Czechia |
Introduction | Jsem ex-biochemik, vývojář a publicista. Zajímám se o webové technologie, prohlížeče a marketing, několik let jsem působil v projektu CZilla, založil jsem a vedu magazín Zdroják. Najdete mě také na Twitteru. |
Interests | fantasy, biochemisty, creative writing, theatre, cimrmanology, web, media, open source |
Favorite Movies | Stranger than Fiction, StarWars, House of Flying Daggers, Hero, Kill Bill, Memento, The Producers, Samsara, Hogfather, Stardust, Doctor Who |
Favorite Music | Nohavica, Kryl, Rédl, Plíhal, Čechomor, Ebenové, Traband, Värttinä, Vltava, Tata Bojs, Manu Chao, Mythematica, The Kitchen, Fruitmachine, Amanda Palmer |
Favorite Books | The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, Discword, The Hitchhiker's guide to the Gallaxy, Malý Alenáš, The Little Prince, The Wisdom of the Sands, Saturnin, Neverwhere, Anansi Brothers |