
My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Tourism
Occupation bicycle mechanic
Introduction For 20 years now I have been annihilating expanses, devouring scenery and chasing the horizon with some sort of perpetual madness. I guess it can been seen as a mutiny against conventional life but really I just absolutely love being out in the world. Its hard to see my existence as anything more than just one big adventure. I started out hitch-hiking and hopping freight trains. They were some fantastic times I wouldn't change for anything. But then, about 12 years ago now, bicycles came into the fray as a powerful ally. A passionate friendship and understanding I don't see fading or dulling any time soon. Bikes and traveling! It just makes sense. I won't bore you with my cycling resume. I've been some places and the plan is to go to a lot, lot more. This blog should hopefully stand as the chronicle for this attempt to round the planet. I hope you enjoy it.