My blogs
Gender | Female |
Location | Canada |
Introduction | Writer, traveller, baker, mother |
Favorite Movies | Casablanca, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Bicycle Thieves, Memento, Rear Window, Being John Malkovich, White Christmas, Lord of the Rings (all) |
Favorite Books | After Rain, The Hill Bachelors, A Bit on the Side; The Sense of an Ending, Talking it Over, Love Etc; The Things They Carried, Colony of Unrequited Dreams, If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things, Jane Eyre, Gilead, Bird by Bird, Operating Instructions, The Sparrow, On Chesil Beach, Beowulf, About A Boy, I am the Messenger, Consider the Lobster, A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again, Wintergirls, This is How You Lose Her, Dear Life, Road Ends. |