
My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location Canada
Introduction Writer, traveller, baker, mother
Favorite Movies Casablanca, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Bicycle Thieves, Memento, Rear Window, Being John Malkovich, White Christmas, Lord of the Rings (all)
Favorite Books After Rain, The Hill Bachelors, A Bit on the Side; The Sense of an Ending, Talking it Over, Love Etc; The Things They Carried, Colony of Unrequited Dreams, If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things, Jane Eyre, Gilead, Bird by Bird, Operating Instructions, The Sparrow, On Chesil Beach, Beowulf, About A Boy, I am the Messenger, Consider the Lobster, A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again, Wintergirls, This is How You Lose Her, Dear Life, Road Ends.