My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Male
Industry Religion
Occupation Ordained Minister
Location Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States
Introduction I'm just one flawed character - Timothy Logan Fountain if we haven't met. I am blessed to have 1)a wonderful Lord in Jesus Christ, 2)a precious and loving family, 3) a great congregation at Good Shepherd, Sioux Falls and 4)a super adopted home state in South Dakota. I pray and work to bless all four.
Interests People coming alive, good prose, football (esp. USC Trojans!), kayaking, birds of the Dakotas, Pinot Noir
Favorite Movies The Magnificent Seven, anything with Sophia Loren, Prince of Egypt, Sideways
Favorite Music (Eclectic), "Appetite for Destruction" by G & R is the best song-for-song rock album EVER, Elvis (you gotta hear his Gospel work), "Days of Elijah" gets my heart soarin' and tears flowin'
Favorite Books The Holy Bible, The Book of Common Prayer, The Ascent of Mount Carmel, but if ya really wanna understand this place ya need "Dakota" by Kathleen Norris, But hey check out my Shelfari on the blog to see a bunch of my faves