Computer Geek

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Industry Technology
Location Taiwan
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Introduction I am Taiwanese. Taiwan is my country. 我是台灣人. 台灣是我的祖國. Almost Computer Geek. Hard on the keyboard in small cubicle. Let unruly circuit becomes submissive sheep. 算是 Computer Geek, 每天在小格子裡用力的敲打鍵盤, 為的是讓桀驁不遜的電路變成柔順的綿羊. I'd like to learn many things, including computer science, bioinformatics, biology and aliens. But I still find another hobby and learn it. 有興趣的事太多, 包含資科, 生資, 生物學及外星人. 但仍舊嘗試學習更多.