Jan Blazanin

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Publishing
Occupation Writer
Location Waukee, Iowa, United States
Introduction I'm an Iowa country girl through and through, but I've never lived on a farm. Animals are a huge part of my life, and I can't imagine not having pets. The same with plants--indoors and out. Can't live without them. And I'd better mention my guy Mike among the things I can't live without. He already tells people that he comes in second to our pets. For more than half my life I was a middle school teacher, but I gave that up two years ago. After I retired I expected to have more time to write and play in my prairie, which I have. But I'm busy every minute, and still don't accomplish as much as I'd like. FAIREST OF THEM ALL is my first published novel. To read more about it and other writing topics, check out my website and the MTV blog, of course.
Interests Writing, reading, my pets, keeping in shape, working and playing outdoors, rocks and fossils, paleontology, outer space, to name a few.
Favorite Books Books by MTV authors--of course, A HIGHER GEOMETRY, THE SNOWS, MIA THE MEEK and MIA THE MELODRAMATIC, almost anything by Lois Lowry, GONE WITH THE WIND, and hundreds more.

Unlike a dog, how can a turtle ever be naked?

Random answer: What's so great about being naked anyway?