My blogs
- Maryland's Dream Act
- Margin Project
- Pro-Life Democrat
- O'Keefes at Harvard
- + + + Sign of the Crossing + + + pro-life and pro-immigrant
- The O'Keefe-Parrott Debate
- O'Keefe-Parrott Debate: COMMENTS
- Fairfax Memorial Service
- Read Rowling's New Book!
- protect a child
Introduction | I've been a peace and pro-life activist for many years. Time magazine (and others including Joan Andrews Bell who should have known better) have called me the “father of the rescue movement.” I have written extensively about nonviolence (for), and eugenics (against). I'm currently working to strengthen bridges between the left and the right wings of the Church; birds fly better with two wings. Current work: seven part series on immigration in Scripture and Tradition. My publications include pamphlets and booklets that laid the foundation for pro-life nonviolence, especially “Peaceful Presence” (1978) and No Cheap Solutions (1984). I also wrote Emmanuel, Solidarity: God’s Act and Our Response (2000) and Roots of Racism and Abortion: An Exploration of Eugenics (2001). I wrote two books about immigration in 2012: Sign of the Crossing and Welcome! Date TBD. In ancient days, there were stories about me in NY Times Magazine, Time, and the New Yorker. NY Times reporter Jim Risen and Kansas City Star reporter Judie Thomas, in their book Wrath of Angels, devoted a chapter to me: “Father of Rescue: John O’Keefe.” You can reach me at cavanaughokeefe@gmail.com |