
My blogs

About me

Location Surrey, United Kingdom
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Introduction When we lost Badger Boo the original star of this Blog, my heart broke and I needed some time off from blogging. I hadn't meant to stay away for so long but coming back I soon realised I needed to change my blogging style completely - I could no longer write stories from Badgers point of view like I had before, it just didn't feel right anymore, I had to be me. So here I am ready to share what my two crazy cockers Boris and Eko get up too, as well as the ups and downs of life being the sole caregiver to both my parents. My mum had a stroke in April 2021 with a subsequent diognosis of Vascular Dementia, then in October 2022 my dad was diognosed with Esophageal Cancer, to complicate things even more my dad was also diognosed with Alzheimer's at the start of March 2023. Nothing in life prepares you to become the parent to your parents, I'm just muddling through as best I can
Interests Card Making, Knitting, Geocaching, Dogs, Horses, Wildlife, Allotments, Gardening, Blog Hops, Making new friends