john william vondra
My blogs
- The Real Golden Girls of Southern California
- Old and New Enemies of the Catholic Church
- North-Central And South American Saints And Martyrs
- English Speaking Saints And Martyrs
- Vietnamese Saints And Martyrs
- The Fall of Constantinople-1
- Chinese Saints And Martyrs
- Japanese Saints And Martyrs
- Korean and Philipino Saints And Martyrs.
- Monasteries
- Daily Porridge
- Church or State-That is the question
- Christian Today
- Catholic Martyrs
- Dante Alighieri's Inferno
- The Church and The English Prison System
- Love: what is it
- How to pray with The Spirit
- English Speaking Christians
- Prayers in English
- Catholic Martyrs and Islam
- Work for God
- A English Speaking Roman Catholic living in an English Speaking World
- mediamissionarie...
- Prayers
- The Golden Calfs-Idolatry
- Christian Art and Artists-Images and Bios
- Women Saints and Martyrs
- prison-life
- Baptism
- silvestromedia
- Follow Christ
- Orwell 1984-Church or State
- One Voice
- Usury-The Real Danger to The Western World
- BestNurseryRhyme...
- One Shepherd
Blogs I follow
- Amateur Catholic
- Biblical Evidence for Catholicism
- Bio Booster Healthy
- Blogging the Catholic Church in the British Isles
- Book Palace Books
- By His Grace
- Catholic Action UK
- Christ's Faithful Witness
- Coffee with Gail
- Comment Column
- Deacons Today: Musings on Diakonia and Diaconate
- English - Scottish - Welsh - Irish Martyrs
- English Historical Fiction Authors
- Finding Charlie Ross
- Fr Mildew
- Fr Ray Blake's Blog
- God, the Universe and Everything
- Illustration Art Gallery
- Love of your love
- Makeup University Inc
- Morning Star
- nunblog
- Pro Ecclesia * Pro Familia * Pro Civitate
- Roman Catholic Heroes
- Roman Miscellany
- Solomon, I Have Surpassed Thee
- Sonitus Sanctus
- Supremacy and Survival: The English Reformation
- The Eponymous Flower
- The Hermeneutic of Continuity
- The Irish Catholic
- The Spiral Tower of Inky Doom
- Unam Sanctam Catholicam
- Where London Ends
Gender | Male |
Industry | Education |
Location | Needles, CA, United States |
Interests | Roman Catholic Church |
Favorite Movies | Silence Martyrs of Japan |
Favorite Music | Badfinger, classics, rock and roll |
Favorite Books | 1984, brave new worlds |
have you been baptized, if yes do you remeber it