Shannon Lawrence
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Angelina C. Hansen
- Jenn's Review Blog
- A Writer's Journey
- A Day Into the Writer
- The High Cost of this Low Living
- Socrates' Book Reviews...
- Janet Reid, Literary Agent
- 'And so the story goes...'
- 'Just the Cheese'
- *An English Travel Writer*
- *Beverly Diehl's Writing in Flow*
- .
- ... MICHAEL DI GESU ... ... ... In Time ... ...
- .:The Red Angel:.
- .W.I.P. It
- 3500wordsperpound
- <br> SO I'M FIFTY
- <center> Megan Lally </center>
- <center>Aimee L. Salter</center>
- <center>Laura Josephsen</center>
- <center>Lexa Cain</center>
- <center>The Glass Bubble</center>
- <strike>Empty </strike>White Pages
- [A Daft Scots Lass]
- A Beer for the Shower
- A Book, A Girl, A Journey
- A Buckeye Girl Reads
- A Coffee Driven &amp; Adventure Bound Life
- A dead man fell from the sky...
- A Faraway View: a blog about dreams
- A journey through life and writerdom...
- A Journey Through the Mind
- A Kitty Dreaming About Wings
- A Peek at Karen's World
- A Rainy Day Writer In the Evergreen State
- A Shift in Dimensions
- A Squirrels Tail
- A*Musings
- A. K. Fotinos-Hoyer
- A2ZMommy and What's In Between
- Adrienne Proctor
- Adventures in Agentland
- Adventures In Writing
- Adventures That Score!
- After Troy - Hektor Karl
- Afterglow Book Reviews
- alberta's sefuty chronicles
- Alex J. Cavanaugh
- ali cross: story_ninja
- Alicia Gregoire, Author of YA Contemporary and NA Contemporary Fantasy
- Alison Pearce Stevens
- All Booked Up
- All Write - Fiction Advice
- Along the Way with J&amp;K...
- Alvor
- Amanda Leigh Cowley
- Amanda's Twisted Truths
- Amlokiblogs
- An Aspiring Writer's World
- An Author's Ramblings
- An Old Curmudgeon Speaks
- And then she was like blah blah blah
- And Then Some: the tumbledown poetry of Miriam Dunn
- Angela's Anxious Life
- Angelic Knight Press
- Angelina Rain
- Angeline Trevena
- Anime's Musings
- Anna Saikin
- annaaa in a fairytaleee.
- Annalise Green
- Anne R. Allen's Blog
- Another Author
- Another Day of Crazy
- apocalypse now
- Appellate Sky
- April Blogging from A to Z Challenge
- Aric Mitchell: The Official Site
- As the Crowe Flies
- Aurora Smith
- Author Bethany Wiggins
- Author Elana Johnson
- Author Exchange Blog
- Author Heather McCorkle
- Author Lindi Peterson
- Author Ron D. Voigts
- Authorinprogress
- azia said what?
- B
- B Throwsnaill's doggerel
- B. Miller Fiction
- Bang Out the Prose
- Bankerchick's Scratchings
- Banned Library Blog
- Basking In The Afterglow
- beautiful chaos
- Becky Taylor
- Been there, done that.
- Beesleybuzz
- begin...begin again
- Being Retro
- Beth Camp
- Beth Groundwater
- Beth's Blog `
- Beyond Strange New Words
- Bird in the box.
- Bish Denham
- Biting Edge
- Bittersweet Enchantment
- Black Ink Pad
- Blog Book Tours
- Blood-Red Pencil
- Bloomering Authors, Enhancing Literature, Culture
- Bluebell Books Twitter Club!
- Blush of Dawn
- Bob Sanchez
- Bob's Home For Writing
- Bonnie Louwerens
- Book Reviews by Sus
- BookBreather
- Booklover Book Reviews
- Books from Bleh to Basically Amazing
- Books, Biscuits, and Tea
- Bookworm for Kids
- bookworm on the loose
- Bouquet of Books
- Breakthrough Blogs
- Breathe In Breathe Out
- Burrowers, Books &amp; Balderdash
- Busy Is Reading
- C. P. Anthologies
- C.E. Wood Inspired
- C.M. Brown
- Callie Leuck | Write On!
- Can I Get a Side of Reality With That?
- Candilynn Fite
- Carla's Writing World
- Carole Anne Carr
- Cast a Bold eye
- Catch My Words
- Cate Masters
- Catherine Denton
- Catherine Ensley ...
- CeCe's Reading and Writing Safari
- CeleryTree
- Central Oregon
- Chantele Sedgwick
- Charlene Blogs
- Chasing Dreams
- Cheekyness
- Cheerful Tornado
- Cherie Reich - Author
- Chiseled in Rock
- Choice City Native
- Christa Writes
- Christine Murray
- Christine Rains - Writer
- Ciara Knight
- Civil War Horror
- Claire Lachance: Writer, Nurse, Mom...
- Claire's Writing Log
- Clarissa Draper
- Clarkson Academy
- Claudie A.
- Clay Baboons
- cluelesseve
- Cold Lake Cathy
- Colene Murphy
- Coming Down the Mountain
- Composing Cat
- Confessions of a Watery Tart
- Constantine
- Conversations with Self
- Corinne OFlynn, Writer
- Cover Girls
- Cowboys and Dragons at the Cafe
- Creative Chatter
- Creative Therapy
- Creative Writing In The Blackberry Patch
- Creatively Spilt Ink
- Creepy Query Girl
- Crime Fiction Collective
- Crystal Collier: Young Adult Author
- Cultural Compulsive Disorder
- Cupcakes And Cappuccinos ~ Memoirs Of An Imperfect Writer
- D.G. Hudson - 21st Century Journal
- D.G. Hudson - Rainforest Writing
- Dads UnLimited
- Dafeenah
- Daily Dodo
- Dance on Fire
- Dancing with Dragonflies
- Dare to Know all There is to Learn
- Dark Faerie Tales
- Dave Wrote This
- David Powers King
- Dawn Brazil’s Brilliant Babbles about Books
- Dawn Embers
- Deana Barnhart
- Dear Novel...
- Deborah Walker
- Deep End
- Deirdra Eden
- deleted
- Delightfully Ludicrous
- Denise Covey
- Desert Canyon Living
- did you ever kiss a frog?
- DL Hammons
- Domestic Diva Dishes All
- Dominique's Writing Site Cancerous Lupus
- Don't pet me, I'm writing
- Donea Lee Weaver
- Donna Hole
- Donna K. Weaver
- Donna Shields
- Dragon on a Mission
- Dry Humor Daily
- Duck Duck Cow
- E.J. Wesley, Author
- East for Green Eyes
- EC Stilson's
- Echoes of a Wayward Mind
- Eclectic
- Elise Fallson
- Elizabeth Seckman, Author
- Ella's Edge
- Emerald City
- Emily White
- Emily's Thought Blog
- Empty Nest Insider
- Enchanted Conversation: ARCHIVE ONLY
- Enchanted Dandelions
- encounter with a super star
- Entertaining Interests
- erica m. chapman
- Erin Kane Spock
- Escape In A Book
- Every head I've had the pleasure to have known.
- Everyday Life
- Everything Emerald
- F.E. Sewell
- Faces for the Homeless
- fairbetty's world
- Faith Sullivan Writes - A New Adult Author
- Falling Leaflets
- Falling Toward Mythopoesis
- Fantasy Thoughts from My Easy Chair
- Far Away Series
- Father Thunder / Mother Night
- Feed Me A Stray Cat!
- Feeling the Fiction
- Felicity Writing Away
- Fiction &amp; Fitness
- Fiction and Film
- Finding Joy in the Journey
- First Draft Cafe
- First Draft on Life, Literature and Lunacy
- fivesevenfivepage
- Fixing Madison
- flowers and blood
- Flutey Words...
- Follow the Muse
- Following the Path to the Fairies
- Freda's Voice
- Freelancin' for $1000 a Week
- Freelancing Parents
- Fresh ...(and a little Funky!)
- Freshness Cool
- From Sarah, With Joy
- From The Cluttered Mind of K.D. Storm
- From the Left to the Right
- From the Shadows to the Page
- From the Write Angle
- From These Hollows
- From This Side of the Pond
- Full of Bull
- Gail M Baugniet - Author
- Garden Full of Lily
- Geek Banter
- Geeky Tendencies
- Ghost Girl
- Giggle, Laugh, Cry
- Giggles and Guns
- Gladiator's Pen
- Gone with the Words
- Green Kangaru ~ The One In The Middle
- Halloween Overkill
- Happy Endings
- Hearth Cricket
- Heather Howland | Young Adult Fiction
- Helen Smith
- Her World - The Travel Blog
- Hey Now
- Hills and Corkscrews
- History Sleuth's Writings
- Home - Kelly Hashway's Books
- Home Is Where the Cat Is
- Hour of the Wolf
- However Improbable
- Hyperbole and a Half
- I Should Be Writing
- I Think; Therefore, I Yam
- i'm gonna call the bah!
- if a voice speaks...
- iggi &amp; gabi
- Images by Bil
- In Between
- Independent Month
- Inkpots n’ Quills
- INKSPOT Crime Fiction Blog | A Place for Mystery, Mayhem, Writing and Life
- It's All a Matter of Perspective
- J. A. Kazimer - More than a Little F***ed Up...
- J.C. Martin @ Fighter Writer
- J.D. Brown
- J.L. Campbell
- jabblog
- Jackie's Bookbytes
- Jacob's Page
- Jan Morrison
- Janet Sumner Johnson
- Jay Noel
- Jaydee Morgan
- Jayne Ferst
- Jeanette S Andersen
- Jeanmarie Anaya
- Jeffrey Beesler's World of the Scribe
- JEllen in the Black Hills
- Jennie Bennett, Romance Author
- JL Dodge Writes
- John Wiswell on the Web
- Jon's Life. Or Other Odd People Doing Odd Things.
- Jonathan Green, Author
- Julie Flanders, Writer
- jumping aground
- Junebug's Musings
- Just a Nice Girl
- Just Jemi
- Just My Type
- Justified Lunacy
- Karen Duvall
- Katharina Gerlach
- Katie O'Sullivan ~ Read, Write, Repeat
- KC Kendricks Between the Keys
- Kelda Crich
- Kelly Hashway
- Ken Hoss - Author
- KendaSmith: Consumer Conversations
- Kidbits
- Kids Math Teacher
- Kim Bowman Author
- Kindle Freebies and More
- Kiwi's life
- KjM - on the web
- KM Nalle
- Komal Mansoor Writer
- Kristal Lee
- Kristine Carlson Asselin
- Kyoticrafts
- Labotomy of a Writer
- Lacey J Edwards | Blog
- Lady Reader's Bookstuff
- Langley Writes
- Lara Lacombe
- Laugh Quotes
- Laura B Writer
- Laura Pauling
- Left and Write
- leftbrainwrite
- Life by Chocolate: Robyn Alana Engel's Blog
- LIFE HAPPENS - Ramblings and musings from a writer
- Life in Clarity
- Life is Good
- Lindsay N. Currie
- lines of communication
- Lisa Ricard Claro - Writing in the Buff
- Literary Coldcuts on Toasty Buns
- Literary Rambles
- LITERATURA &amp; LINGUAGENS O blog de Nelson Souzza *
- Little Bundle of Contradictions
- Little Red Henry
- Little Red Writing Hood
- Little Things...
- Liz Writes Books
- lizy-writes
- lmswriting
- Lola Land! The re-invention of me...
- Loralie Hall
- Lori M Lee
- Love. It.
- Lucy Adams
- Lucy Felthouse - Erotic Writer
- Lunching on Lamias
- Madlab Post
- Magaly Guerrero
- Magpie Writes
- Maimes Reviews
- mainewords
- Mainstream Mystic
- Making the Write Connections
- Maple Syrup Land
- Mara Writes
- Margo Berendsen
- Margo Kelly
- Marian Allen's Fiction Site
- Mark Noce Stories
- Mark of the Stars
- Marsha A. Moore
- Marta Szemik
- Marti's Musings
- Mary Brebner
- maybe genius
- Measured Steps
- Medeia Sharif
- Medusa's Muse
- Meika Usher, Romance Author
- Melanie Schulz
- Melissa T. Liban Illustrations
- Melissa's Imaginarium
- MG Higgins
- Michelle Flick
- Michelle Teacress
- Midlist Writer
- Mina Burrows
- Miranda Hardy
- Missed Periods and Other Grammar Scares
- Mithril Wisdom
- MK Meredith
- Mommy Authors of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- Morgan Mandel Shares Books, Blogs, Dogs, and Networking
- Morgan Shamy
- Mountain Momma Musings
- Ms. Bookish
- Murees Dupé
- Musa Publishing
- Musings of an Aspiring Scribe
- My Baffling Brain
- My Bliss
- My Crazy Family Circus
- My Daily Mooosings in the Netherlands
- My Hogwarts Sabbatical
- My Inner Fairy
- My Land of Dreams...!!!
- My Road to Freedom
- My Voice, My View
- My Writing Blog
- N. R. Williams, Fantasy Author
- Nahno McLein
- Nancy Jardine Author
- Nancy S. Thompson
- Navigating the Slush Pile
- New Adult Lit Chat
- Nick Wilford, Speculative Author
- No Thought 2 Small
- No Write or Wrong
- Nofretiris Dream Of Writing
- Notes Along the Way - Mary Montague Sikes
- Notes from the Jovian frontier
- Novel Ambitions
- nzreader
- Oak Lawn Images - A Photo Greeting Card &amp; Print Site
- Obsession with Books
- of lenses and letters
- Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax and Cabbages and Kings
- Of Thoughts and Words
- OLD BLOG: A Writer's Slightly-Warped Universe
- Older Mommy Still Yummy
- On the Subject of Being Awesome:
- Once Written, Twice Shy
- One Magic Bean Buyer
- One Mum, Two Girls and a Chauffeur
- One Significant Moment at a Time
- Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy: The Online Diary of a Central Oregon Grandmother
- Out on a Limb
- page turning
- Paper Cuts
- Paper, Ink and Coffee
- Paranormal Wastelands
- Paranormality
- Passages
- Passionatemusings
- Pat Hatt Time
- PAT NEWCOMBE, RomanticThriller Writer's blog, (aka writing saved my life)
- Paul Anthony Shortt - Author
- Paul Joseph
- Paula Martin - Romance Author
- PaulaSJordan: Wordshop
- Peace from Pieces
- Pearson Report
- Peggy Eddleman: Will Write For Cookies
- Pensuasion
- Penumbra eMag
- People I Want to Punch in the Throat
- Perfectly Imperfect
- Perle's Ink
- Peter Jordan Discusses
- Pfluegerisms
- Pikes Peak Pebble Pups and Earth Science Scholars
- Pimp My Novel
- Play off the Page
- playful creative
- Pocketful of Playdough
- Positive Letters ... inspirational stories ...
- Precious Monsters
- Precy Larkins--YA Author
- Profiling Great Americans
- Pub Rants
- Putting Words Down On Paper
- Quest for the Ark
- Quiet Laughter
- Quill and Coffee
- Quill or Pill
- Rach Writes...
- Rachel Morgan
- Rachelle Gardner
- Rachelle Gardner, Literary Agent
- Raising Dogs &amp;Training Children
- Raising Marshmallows
- Ramblings by Amber
- Ramblings of a Daydreamer
- Random Musings from the KristenHead
- Random Stream of Consciousness
- Random Writings
- Randy Lindsay - Author In Training
- Rapturous Randomocity
- Raquel Byrnes
- RaShelle Workman
- Ravenwood
- Ravings Ramblings and Rants
- Reading and Writing Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, and Romance
- Reading at Dawn - Book Review Blog
- ReadingGrrls Paper Safari
- Realityarts - Inspiration, Art and Creativity
- Recipes That Please with Ease
- Red Dye Free!
- Reflex Reactions1
- Reflexions
- Renae Mercado
- Rhissanna's Library
- Rhymes With Migraine
- Robin Writes
- Robyn Campbell
- Rock the Kasbah
- Romance Meets Life
- Romance Under Fire
- Romancing the blog . . . Fun-Writing Blog
- Ron Leighton - Fantasy Author
- Rosalind Adam is Writing Again
- Rose Kelly Writes
- Run Gwen, Run!
- Ruth's Yummy Stuff!
- S. M. Worth
- S.A. Larsen, Award-winning author of middle grade &amp; young adult fiction
- Samantha Verant
- Sandra Ulbrich Almazan: Speculative Fiction Author
- Sandy's Musings
- Sarah Mäkelä
- Save The Sacred Sites Alliance
- Scifi Media
- Scouring Monk
- Scribble &amp; Scatter
- Searching for the Story
- secretlilies
- Seeing Night Reviews
- Serendipity's Library
- Seton Hill Writers
- Shallee McArthur
- Shannon's Book Bag
- Sharon M. Himsl - Shells, Tales and Sails
- Shauna’s Made Up Stuff
- SheilaScribbles
- Shelley Koon - Dark Writes
- Shelley Sly
- Sherri's Graphomania
- Short Story Symposium
- Shoveling in a Jo Storm
- sidetracked!
- Silver's Reviews
- Sisters in Scribe
- Skaypisms
- SmiteRite
- Snakesmom Crazy Kids Cartoon Art
- Snapshots
- So Simply Sara
- So, You're a Writer...
- Sober, Chronic, FABULOUS
- soggy in the corner
- Solitary Mama
- Some Dark Romantic
- Some Like It Paranormal
- Some Things I Think...
- Some things you may find interesting
- Someday Somewhere
- Sometimes, The Wheel Is On Fire
- Somewhere Only We Know
- Songberries
- Southern Musings
- Speak Coffee to Me
- Speak of the Devil
- Spiller Writes
- Spirit Called
- Spontaneous Sputterings
- Spunk On A Stick's Tips
- Stairways and Landings
- Stephanie Haefner
- Stephanie Oakes--Young Adult Author
- Steven Chapman (writer)
- Still Writing
- Still Writing...
- Stitching Words - - Francene Stanley
- Stony River: a writing life
- Stories to Share
- Straight from my heart !!
- Strands of Pattern
- StrangePegs
- Stratoz
- Stretching My Wings
- Studio Nightshade: My Serial Life
- Super Happy Jen's Super Happy Blog
- Superman Sammy
- Susan Oloier, Author
- Susan Roebuck
- Susan Says
- Susan Vineyard, Artist, Photographer and Blogger
- Susanna Leonard Hill
- T. Powell Coltrin Writes
- T.B. McKenzie
- T.C. Mckee
- Tales Of The Reborn Crafter
- Taliesin
- Talk Stephen King
- Talli Roland
- Tamara Writes...
- Tammy Theriault
- Tangled Fiction
- Tara Tyler Talks
- Tasha's Thinkings
- Temporarily Mine
- Tessa's Blurb
- that girl from around the bay
- That Rebel with a Blog
- That Wee Bit Heap
- The Alliterative Allomorph
- The Art of Infiltration
- The Beveled Edge
- The Blogger Girlz
- The Bluestocking Blog
- The Book Rat
- The Bookanistas
- The Broke and the Bookish
- The Bryce Daniels Preservation Society
- The Character Café
- The Character Therapist
- The Chubby Chatterbox
- The Climb
- The Comparative Narrative
- The Daily Dose
- The Disconnected Writer
- The Eagle's Aerial Perspective
- The Enchanted Pen
- The Enigmatic
- The Fabled Crossroads
- The Fairytale Nerd
- The Five Year Project
- The Flying Cheetah
- The Garden Gate
- The Genres of My Life
- The Giraffability of Digressions
- The Girdle of Melian
- The Guardian Writer
- The Infusion
- The Innocent Flower
- The Itsy Bitsy Monkey
- The Leaf Catcher
- the league of reluctant adults
- The Life and Literary Pursuits of Alexia Chamberlynn
- the little nordic cabin (old)
- The Misadventures In Candyland
- The Modest Peacock
- The Murphey Saga
- The New Never News
- the nicest bitch you know.
- The Ninja Librarian
- The Non-Review
- The Odd Particle [Re]View
- The Pleasantest Life
- The Process of C.
- The Quintessentially Questionable Query Experiment
- The Rainy Day Wanderer
- The Real Life of Fiction
- The Sands of Writing
- The Science of Story
- The Scribble Muse
- The Serial Killer Files
- The Shellshank Redemption . . .
- The Single Dad Pad
- The Siss Mix
- The Super Shiny Amazing Real Life Adventures Of A Fat Runner
- The Woman Condition
- The World Crafter
- The World of Julie B
- The Write Joyce
- The Write Soil
- The Write Window
- The Writer and The White Cat
- The WriteRunner
- The Writing Bug
- The Writing Nut
- the writing pad
- The Written Word
- TheBookHunter
- thecontemplativecat
- There's a place I dream about
- Theres just life
- They say everyone has a story..this is mine..
- Thinking Through Our Fingers
- This End Upside Down
- This is a Blog
- This Too...
- This Writer's Life.....
- This, That... The Other Thing
- Thoughts from a Literary Agent
- Thoughts from the Hearthfire
- Thoughts, Musings and Broken Promises
- Three Cents Worth
- Tia Bach, Author
- Tony Van Helsing's Mystery Theatre
- TopicBitch
- Torggil's World
- Tossing It Out
- Tracy Jo Blowers
- Trailer Homes and Gardens
- travel spot
- traverselife
- Treasure Hunting Through Young Adult Fiction
- Trisha Leaver, YA Author
- Trying to Get Over the Rainbow
- Tuffet
- Two Fur-Peeps and A Writer
- Tyrean Martinson - writer, daydreamer, teacher, believer.
- Under the Hat
- Under The Troll's Bridge
- Unedited
- Unicorn Bell
- Up on Haliburton Hill
- Upwards Over the Mountain
- USA Today Bestselling Author Ednah Walters
- Vevisia - Circles in the Sand
- Virtual Coffee
- Visions of Other Worlds
- Wagging Tales
- Wakela's World
- Walk2Write in Florida
- Walking on Broken Glass
- Wavy Lines
- Welcome To Author Stephen Tremp's Website
- Welcome to Chapter Writer
- welcome to the museum of joy
- Wendy Tyler Ryan - Author
- Were Vamps Romance
- When A Lion Sleeps, Let It Sleep
- Where Fantasy and Love Take Flight
- Whimsy, Writing & Reading
- Who said being random was bad?
- Why Not? Because I Said So Book Reviews and Author Interviews.
- Wicked & Tricksy
- Wicked Writers
- Wickedly Bookish
- WidowSphere: A Circle of Hope
- Wisdom's Echo
- Wishbone Soup Cures Everything
- Wistful Nebulae
- with ink made of stars...
- Word by Word
- Word Thief
- Words of Wisdom....from The Scarf Princess
- Wordsmithing
- Working My Muse
- Write 1 Sub 1
- Write at Home with Kelly Olsen
- Write Here, Write Now
- Write On The Fringes
- Write With Pictures
- Write, Wrong, or Indifferent
- Writer Clare Dugmore
- Writer in Transit - The Journey Never Ends | Writers Blog
- Writer Musings
- writercize
- Writers Do Laundry, Too
- Writers On The Move
- Writers Workshop West
- Writing About You
- Writing In The Crosshairs
- Writing In Wonderland
- Writing Investigated
- Writing Off the Edge
- Writing Possibilities...
- Writing Reality
- Writing the Other
- Writing Unleashed with Laura M. Harkins
- Writing While the Rice Boils
- Writing with Shelly and Chad
- Writing Wonder
- Writing Worlds
- Writings, Musings &amp; Other Such Nonsense
- Writtled
- Wrote By Rote
- YA Audiobook Addict
- Yadin Bromberg
- YAtopia
- Yep this is my life! I am sure about that!
- Yes, This Will Be On The Test Leslie S. Rose
- yikici
- Your Friendly Neighborhood Palindrome
- Your Plot Thickens
- Zoe Cottage
- Zook Book Nook
- ~ * ~ Rebecca Dupree Fiction ~ * ~
- ~The Red Mist Descends: Tales of a Reluctant Human~
- ♥.•*¨Author Elizabeth Mueller¨*•.♥
Gender | Female |
Location | Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States |
Introduction | Multi-published short story author, novelist, horror aficionado, and mom. I enjoy sharing what I learn along the publishing journey and helping fellow writers. I do not do book review posts except in specific instances, but am happy to host you for a guest post or book launch. |
Interests | Getting published, spending time with my kids and watching them grow as people, writing, photography |