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About me

Gender Male
Industry Science
Occupation Editing, proofreading, screaming
Location Houston, Texas, United States
Introduction A recovering "slacker lit-geek," now trying to make good on all that untapped potential he kept hearing about.
Interests Literature, theatre, good movies, poetry, art, life, cake.
Favorite Movies High Fidelity, Almost Famous, Lord of the Rings, Kill Bill, Notting Hill, Waking Life, subUrbia, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Garden State, Before Sunset, The Godfather
Favorite Music The Greatest Living Rock and Roll Band (U2), Counting Crows, Waterdeep, Ben Folds (Five), Jars of Clay
Favorite Books Generation X, Gilead, The Lord of the Rings, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, The Dark Tower Series, The Chronicles of Narnia

Your people want to make a statue in your honor. What will it be made out of and what victory will it commemorate?

It will be made out of bronze and placed in front of the Philadelphia Museum, commemorating my stunning upset victory over Apollo Creed.