My blogs
Blogs I follow
Gender | Male |
Occupation | baker |
Location | Mountainhome, PA, United States |
Introduction | Everyone is my superior in one way or another. |
Interests | My hobby is classical French cooking, renovating the lumpy old farmhouse we live in, and old things: old books, old trees, old machinery, old-timey ways of doing certain things and, especially, old people. |
Favorite Music | Beethoven: Quartet in Am op. 132, Brahms: Symph #1, Beethoven: Symphony #7, Bach: Concerto for Violin & Oboe bwv 1060, Mozart: Figaro, Kate Bush: Hounds of Love, Beatles: Tomorrow Never Knows, Arvo Part: Miserere, Goreki: Symphony #3, Einhorn: Voices of Light, Brahms: Bm Clarinet Quintet, Tom Waites: Just about everything he's recorded |
Favorite Books | My Life in France by Julia Child, Leaf by Niggle by JRR Tolkein, The Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain |