
My blogs

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About me

Gender Male
Occupation baker
Location Mountainhome, PA, United States
Introduction Everyone is my superior in one way or another.
Interests My hobby is classical French cooking, renovating the lumpy old farmhouse we live in, and old things: old books, old trees, old machinery, old-timey ways of doing certain things and, especially, old people.
Favorite Music Beethoven: Quartet in Am op. 132, Brahms: Symph #1, Beethoven: Symphony #7, Bach: Concerto for Violin & Oboe bwv 1060, Mozart: Figaro, Kate Bush: Hounds of Love, Beatles: Tomorrow Never Knows, Arvo Part: Miserere, Goreki: Symphony #3, Einhorn: Voices of Light, Brahms: Bm Clarinet Quintet, Tom Waites: Just about everything he's recorded
Favorite Books My Life in France by Julia Child, Leaf by Niggle by JRR Tolkein, The Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain