Fat Eric

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Non-Profit
Occupation Fat cat
Location Walthamstow, London, United Kingdom
Introduction Fat Eric was an enormous, long-haired, ginger-and-white cat, 1995-2010. He was adopted by his human servants in 2003. His sister Hattie sadly died in 2004 but he adapted VERY quickly to being a Spoilt Only Cat. In August 2007 he was diagnosed with feline diabetes but it was soon diet-controlled. He went to the Rainbow Bridge in August 2010 and is very much missed.
Interests sleeping, eating, cuddling, posing, licking human hair, snoring, chasing off Evil Intruder Cats, scratching the laundry basket

You've just inherited a manufacturing plant that specializes in plastics. What are you going to make?

A giant-sized kitty food dish to hold larger portions of course!