
About me

Introduction I began volunteering for the right whale Project in 1983. In those days pictures were taken on film and documentation was hand-written! Now it’s all digital images and computers, thank goodness. Even though I trained as a biologist I became a teacher by default and absolutely love it. Next year will be my 39th year teaching middle school. But a dozen years into teaching I got this itch to be involved in some science research and latched onto the NEAq Right Whale Research Team. In addition to volunteering for the Lubec field season in August I also integrate right whales and my authentic science experience into my classroom. My experience with this Project helps me teach everything from body systems to ecology and more. Recently I used my expertise in education to help develop a curriculum for Maritime Training Academies that teaches mariners how to avoid hitting right whales. I also have a student “club” called The Calvineers that presents a PowerPoint about the plight of the North Atlantic right whales to schools and social groups.