Penny Dreadful Vintage
Blogs I follow
- ♥ Yocandy ♥
- Mainly Meghan
- Dear Thirty - UK Vintage Blog
- KC - Photo&Style
- (Diet) Coke and Sympathy
- * A Young Vintage Wholigan *
- .
- . . .
- ...look closer
- .petit pas
- // Atlantic-Pacific
- 5 inch and up
- a cat among the pigeons
- A Daisy Chain Dream
- A Dream In Black And White
- A Girl Of Many Interests
- A Girl's Guide to turning 50
- A Little Bird Told Me
- A New Vintage
- A red lipstick
- A rose like this.
- A Thought Is The Blossom
- A Thrifty Mrs | A fun money saving blog
- a vintage love story
- A Wild Tea Party
- Abbey Karson
- Abi Rose.
- Glam..Hic
- According to Annika
- Adeline's Attic Vintage
- Advantage In Vintage
- Adventures of a Vintage Hippo
- alex drake vintage | purveyor of quality vintage goods
- Alice Jean's
- Allegory of Vanity
- Amberissa
- and your cowboy mouth
- Andi B. Goode
- Annimal House
- Annushka Litvinova
- Another Day To Dress Up
- Atelier John F. Clément
- Audrey Grace Boutique
- b.vikki vintage
- bad taste toast
- Bag and a Beret
- Bake Do and Mend
- Barbara von Enger, artist, painter, icon
- BarelyVogue
- bargainista fashionista
- Barn House Antiques
- Beautiful Clutter
- Beautiful or practical
- Beauty is a thing of the past
- Bebop Beauty
- Bedroom Blogger
- bees and ballons
- Beholder's Inn
- Bette on Toast
- Billie Black
- Blighty Boutique
- Blommor och annat hantverk
- blushing ambition
- Bobby Pin Blog
- Bollywood Movie Fashion
- Bombshells and Babes Vintage
- BooBoo Kitty Couture
- Born & Bred Studio
- Bright Young Twins
- bunny picnic
- Bunny's Vintage Musings
- Butterflies and Daisys Vintage
- by gum, by golly!
- calivintage
- Calling People Names
- Cameos and Espadrilles
- Casey's Elegant Musings
- CATS & DOGS - fashion and style diary
- Checks and Spots
- Cheeky vintage chick
- Cherry boutique
- Chimerically Yours
- Chiu On This
- Chronically Vintage
- Circus Girl
- Classic Retro Glamour
- Claudia's Cavern
- Coco's Tea Party
- Cocoon
- Color Me Katie
- Colourful Buttons
- ConstantlyAlice
- Couture Arabesque
- Crinoline Robot
- Cup Of Kitten Tea
- Cupcake's Clothes
- Darhling
- Dazey Girl
- dear golden | vintage
- Dear Little House
- DearBeatrice
- Dearest Jackdaw
- dee dee's vintage retro delights
- Dethrose Vintage
- devilishly pleasurable
- Diamond Stash
- Diary of a Vintage Girl | Vintage Fashion & Lifestyle
- Digs Frocks and Books
- Discotheque Confusion
- Dolly Rocker Girl
- don juan's reckless daughter
- Dont need makeup to cover up
- Doris Anne: Feathers & Things
- down to earth vintage & retro
- Dr G's Vintage
- Dressing Mrs Exeter
- Dylana Suarez
- EA Burns Blog
- Eclectic Ephemera
- elissiam.
- Emily's Vintage Visions
- Emma aime
- English Rose Vintage Style
- Essbeevee | Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, St Albans, Tring food, lifestyle, & parenting blog
- Fab Gabs for Vintage Everything: Clothing, Dresses, Lifestyle
- Faded Diary
- Faith Hope and Charity Shopping
- Fancy Fine
- Fancy Vintage
- Fashion Beauty Etc
- Fashion Daydreams: UK Fashion and Lifestyle Blog by Reena Rai
- Fashion Editor at Large
- fashion forestry
- fashion is spinach
- Fashion Limbo
- Fashion Pearls of Wisdom
- Fashion Pearls of Wisdom
- Fashion, vintage, jewellery and cupcakes
- Fashionable Forties
- Fashionistable
- Fat Dormouse getting thinner
- Fifties Darling
- Film Noir Photos
- Firebird
- For the Vintage Fashionista
- Forever Amber
- Francy Flicks
- French Sampler
- Frills 'n' Spills
- Frock n Roll Vintage
- Frøken Toft
- Gary Pepper Vintage
- Gatsby and Me
- Generic Fun
- Get some Vintage-a-Peel by Miss Peelpants
- Gingerella's Corner
- Girls On Film: Fashion in Film
- Glamour a-go-go!
- Glamour Daze
- Glamour_ologist
- Godammit, I'm Mad!
- Golden Girl of the West
- Gossamer Wings
- Granny Chic Gal
- happy, honey & lark
- Heart Shaped Pockets
- Hello Mr Fox
- Hestia's Larder
- Hey, Mama
- home and made daily...
- House of Harps
- House Of Harrie Hattie
- House of Marmalade
- Human sea
- Hyperbole and a Half
- I Hate Graceful People
- I've moved!
- Idda van Munster
- Iduns Red Apple
- Idée Fixe
- In the Hammock Vintage Style
- In The Heyday
- india knight's posterous
- iris loves fashion | blog de moda, fotografía y cosas bonitas en Madrid
- It's A Charmed Life
- It's All Make Believe, Isn't It?
- It's All Rosie!
- jazzabelle's diary
- Jeanne Suica Vintage & Modern Collectable Clothing
- Jeremy & Amanda
- Josie-Mary
- just another wardrobe experience
- Kafferepet
- Kate of the Almshouse
- Katie's Kronicles (blogger)
- Kellerman Vintage
- Kelly-Marie Burdekin
- Ketty
- Kids Fashion Designer
- Kingdom Of Style
- KittysVintageKitsch
- L'armadio del delitto - blog vintage e moda retro
- La Boîte de Pandoras
- La Meow
- La Mode a Glasgow
- La vie en rose et moi
- Lady by Choice - a Vintage Los Angeles Lifestyle and Fashion Blog
- Lady Jardin - Vintage Views of the South Coast
- Lady Moriarty
- LandGirl's Library
- LandGirl1980
- LaSophia
- Last-Year Girl
- Lauren Winter
- Leopard and Lipstick
- Leproust Vintage
- Les Ouefs Brouilles
- Les Yeux sans Visage
- let me do my thing
- LibertyLondonGirl
- Life in Violet
- like johnny and june...
- Lily Loves ...
- Lily Melrose - UK Style and Fashion Blog
- Lipstick Powder and Paints the online sketchbook of artist Gemma Parker
- little augury
- little blue deer
- Little Girl Big Closet
- little henry lee
- Little Miss B
- Little Miss Bossy
- Little Rascal
- Living Vintage
- Llara's Blog
- Lola Vintage
- Long May She Rain
- LONjawn: Philly Expat in London
- Lost in the 60's
- Love Charles Vintage
- Love For The Old
- Lush and Lovely
- Make Do Style
- male pattern boldness
- Mamushka Marie | Daily findings, Inspiration, Life & Style
- Mary Van Notes
- MaryLou Cinnamon
- Matildas Delights
- Megs Vanity Chest
- MI Ave
- Min Mormors Vind
- misc-maranda
- Miss Beatrix
- Miss Cherry's Diary
- Miss Magpie's musings
- Miss Meadows' Pearls
- Miss Tallulah Porkchop
- mission:closet
- Missy Vintage
- Mod Fox
- Molly Jane Designs
- Moth Speaker
- Motherhood: The Final Frontier
- Moustaches and Monocles
- Moxie Tonic
- Mrs Bossa Does the Do
- Ms. Kimberellie
- Ms1940McCall
- My Friends Call me Nelly
- My Life is Vintage
- My Moving Finger Writes
- My New Favourite Thing
- Natalie Off Duty
- Natasha Bailie Vintage Clothing Company Blog
- naughty shorts!
- nb Lucky Duck
- Never Fully Dressed
- Nicole Needles
- Nifty*Thrifty* Retro*Mama
- night lights
- Not Dead Yet Style
- Not Here to Please you
- Odd Socks and Pretty Frocks
- oh so sophi
- old hat diary
- On Shoes and Ships and Sealing-Wax
- Oranges and Apples
- Orchid Grey
- Organized Mess
- Our Wild Things
- Outer Values
- owl and accordion
- Paloma Hiles
- Pansy Lane
- Paperboy in AD
- Patches Online
- Peachy Keen
- Penny Dreadful Vintage
- Penny Dreadful Vintage
- Pennyblossoms
- Perdita's Pursuits
- Perfume Shrine
- Polkadots and Pink Flamingos
- Polkadots and Spinning Tops
- Pop-o-matic Deluxe!
- Poppy Coburn
- Porcelina's Vintage World has now moved to
- Pretty Little Things
- Pretty Much Penniless
- Pull Your Socks Up!
- Ranch Dressing with Eartha Kitsch
- Razzle Dazzle Rose
- Red legs in Soho.
- Redressing
- Resistant But Persistent
- Retro Chick - Vintage Clothing, Ethical Fashion, Retro Style
- retromummy
- Revas Rags 2 Roses
- aka streetstyle london
- Rosaspina Vintage
- Rose
- Ruby Armoire
- Ruby Slipper Journeys
- RuebyRetro
- Rufous-Capped Rambler
- Sally Jane Vintage
- Sartorial Sidelines
- Save Our Shoes
- Sewing the 60s
- She Wears Fashion - UK Fashion blog
- Shen Dove Style
- Shop Pearls Wardrobe
- Shrimpton and Perfect
- Shybiker
- Silhouette Girl
- Simon Filip
- Simple Village Girl
- sleepy fawn
- small earth vintage
- Smashingbird
- Snippets of Shiny Thoughts | Colourful London Fashion Lifestyle Blog
- Snoodlebug
- softspoken
- Somebody Stole My Thunder
- Spiffing sporadics of a vintage girl
- Statements in Fashion
- Steffys Pros and Cons | A NYC Personal Style, Travel and Lifestyle Blog
- Stormion
- Straight Talking Mama
- Strawberry Koi ♥ Vintage Style
- Striving for Symmetry
- Styladelica
- Style Bubble
- Style from Grace with Kelly Grace
- Style Is Always Fashionable
- style is style
- Style Sud-Est
- styleeast
- Sweet as a Candy
- SweetestNest
- Sweetheart of the Rodeo
- Sweethearts Hold Hands
- Swell Vintage
- Symbiotic Life
- T a i l o r i s m
- Take-out in Couture
- Tales from a San Francisco Shutter-Bug
- Tales of a Southern Retro
- Tales of Endearment
- Tales of pearls and petticoats
- Tart Deco™- Vintage Glamour & Retro Style
- Tattoos and Heart Shaped Sunglasses
- Tea and Crumpets
- Tea and toast, darling?
- Technicolor Cutie
- Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs
- That's Not My Age
- The Attic People
- The Call of the Jitterbug Doll
- The Carnabetian Army
- The Cassandra Voom Show
- The Cat Hag
- The Cats and the Berries
- The Coveted
- The Creampie Chronicles
- The Dainty Dolls House
- The DC Metro Retro
- The Dressing Parlour
- the dusk zone
- the enchanted hunters
- The English Muse
- the eternal worrier
- The Freelancer's Fashionblog
- The Frog's Eyebrows
- The Gilded Slipper
- The Girl Can't Help It Vintage Blog
- The Girl with the Star-Spangled Heart
- The Girly Bird
- The Glamorous Housewife
- The Greedy Seagull
- The Jacobite Rose
- The Licentiate
- The Little Deer
- The Little Red Squirrel
- The Littlest Things
- The Love Miss Daisy Vintage Blog
- The Lovecats Inc
- the magpie collective
- The Magpie Girl: A UK Fashion & Lifestyle blog
- The Marilyn Adventures
- The Musings of Miss 1941
- The Non-Blonde
- The Painted Woman: 1930s Beauty & Glamour
- The Pink Retro Powder Room
- The Ramblings of Roxie Roulette
- The Retro Natural
- The Secondhand Years
- The Secret Diary of Ruby Tuesday
- The Shrimpton Couture Blog
- the snail and the cyclops
- the velvet bird
- The Velvet Bow
- The Vintage Minimalist
- The Womens Room
- The World Looks Red
- TheFrenchFries
- theothersideofthepondmydear
- Third Floor With Water View
- This Old Life
- Three Cats Vintage - A Blog Devoted to Living the Vintage Life
- Thriftaholic
- Tickety Boo Tupney
- Tilly and the Buttons
- tjBuzz - Fashion, Beauty and Life.
- Toni's Vintage Trips
- Tous les Garcons et les Filles: a fashion blog
- Transient Withdrawal
- Treasures from the Cherry Tree
- tumbleweed•twine
- Tuppence Ha'penny
- Twila Jean - Vintage Blog
- Two Happy Hearts
- Two Squirrels Vintage Ltd
- UK Fashion & Lifestyle Blog || London Fashion Blog || I Want You To Know
- UK Fashion Blog | FashionChampagne | Fashion & Lifestyle blogger
- Up Toon Girl
- Va-Voom Vintage | Vintage Fashion, Hair Tutorials and DIY Style
- Vanity's only Virtue
- Victoria's Vintage Blog | Travel, Home, Food & Lifestyle
- Vintage at Heart
- Vintage Belle
- Vintage Chic
- Vintage Dancer
- Vintage Danielle
- Vintage Fashion Blog | Austin Texas | Dalena Vintage
- Vintage Hearth
- Vintage in a Modern World
- Vintage Jane
- Vintage Musings Of A Modern Pinup
- Vintage Revivals
- Vintage Sally
- Vintage suburbia
- Vintage Vixen
- Vintage Window
- Vintage, My Love
- Vixen Vintage
- Voices Of East Anglia
- Wearing History
- Welcome to DeluxeVille
- Wendy Brandes Jewelry
- What a Day
- What's New, Pussycat?
- what-i-found
- Wildfell Hall | Vintage
- Witch Hare
- WorshipBlues
- Xtabay Vintage Clothing Boutique - Portland, Oregon
- yellow bird hats
- yes and yes
- Yours Truly, x
- yumnomyum!
- ♥ Much Love ♥
Gender | Female |
Industry | Fashion |
Occupation | Vintage store owner |
Location | London, United Kingdom |
Introduction | My name is Margaret, and I run the online vintage store Penny Dreadful Vintage as well as writing about vintage fashion and lifestyle. |
Interests | Vintage clothing, London, books, cats, food, old films |
Favorite Movies | Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, The Long Hot Summer, Breakfast at Tiffanys, Cold Comfort Farm, Chicago, Etre et Avoir, North West Frontier, Gone With The Wind, Bringing Up Baby, Predator, Die Hard, 84 Charing Cross Road, Annie Hall, Bride and Prejudice, Lost in Translation, An Affair to Remember, Roman Holiday, Singin' in the Rain, A Room With a View, Sideways, Hope and Glory, Wait Until Dark, Secretary, The Darjeeling Limited |
Favorite Music | Kate Bush, Neil Young, The Divine Comedy, AC/DC, Rufus Wainwright, The Decemberists, Kylie Minogue, Iron Maiden, Dolly Parton, The Beatles, Suede, Blondie, The Buzzcocks, Mazzy Star, Leonard Cohen, Goldfrapp |
Favorite Books | Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, 84 Charing Cross Road, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, Cold Comfort Farm, The Moonstone, The Bell Jar, Villette, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, Georgette Heyer, A Journal of the Plague Year, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, Three Men in a Boat, PG Wodehouse, Terry Pratchett, The Surgeon of Crowthorne, The Shipping News, Middlemarch, Agatha Christie, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, The Historian, Ngaio Marsh, Little Women, Bill Bryson, Fast Food Nation, No Logo, A Room With a View, Lady Chatterley's Lover, Sherlock Holmes, The Secret Garden, Rebecca, The Woman in White, Janet Evanovitch, Under Milkwood, Bleak House, The Secret History |