My blogs
Blogs I follow
- It Strikes Me Funny by G. Harrison
- Five String Guitar
- "Turtle Talk With Tootie"
- AV beyond Wiztronix...
- Baron It All
- Bear World
- BearNaked
- Caroline's Crayons
- christopher's views
- Color Magic - Photography
- Country Captures
- Dawns bloggy blog
- Do You See What I See
- Does Everything Grow Better in My Neighbor's Yard?
- Farmhouse Greetings
- Fetal Positions III
- Forks Off The Moment
- Gallimaufry Gleanings
- GardenAuthor
- Grouse and Chortle
- Grown Up Backwards
- Hey Harriet
- Imagine
- iyer-n-higher
- Little Bang Theory
- Long Island Daily Photo
- Looking For Something To Plant In The Lawn
- Macleay Island Daily Photo
- Maia's Into The Moonlight
- Margaret and Helen
- Mellow Yellow Monday
- Mimi Writes.......
- Mistakes Were Made
- Mother Nature's Garden
- Mother of Shrek
- Musings
- My View From The Deck
- Nature remains.
- nature tales and camera trails
- Notes From The Cloud Messenger
- Our Flower Pot
- Paz's New York Minute
- Pick a Peck of Pixels
- pictures
- Raising 5 Kids With Disabilities and Remaining Sane Blog
- RAMBLING WOODS~The Road Less Traveled~
- Ramblings of a Villas Girl
- Riel Nason's List of Things
- Sandpiper's Place
- Sanibel Toot's Lazy Days
- Sea Notes
- Skywatch Friday
- Somewhere in NJ
- Stony River: a writing life
- Strange Pilgram
- Sycamore Canyon
- Sylvia From Over The Hill
- Tea and Photos
- The Pagan Sphinx
- The Pagan's Eye
- the way i see it
- these are the days
- Think Green Thursday
- this old farm
- Tranny Head Rawks ... and Is Hawter Than You
- Two Miles High
- Villas Girl Photos
- Windy Skies
- wise old woman
- Wishing on the Moon
- Written Inc.
Gender | Female |
Industry | Government |
Occupation | Retired |
Location | Southern NJ, United States |
Introduction | Interested in the world around me and the people in it. Love to learn about other people's worlds and what goes on there. I will take the advice of one of my heroes, Maya Angelou, whose suggestion to then President-elect Obama was to "be inclusive, not exclusive, I teach it all the time - the oneness of human beings." |
Interests | Photography, Gardening, Butterflies, Birds, Nature in general, People-Watching, blogging |
Favorite Music | Love most music, but I'm a country girl at heart. But my current favorite song would be "I Ain't Afraid" by Holly Near. |
Favorite Books | Everything and anything - but I especially love to read Barbara Kingsolver. And poetry. And when I'm in the mood, Agatha Christie. |