My blogs
Blogs I follow
- .
- 52 crafts in 52 weeks
- A place of my own
- Alexander Residence
- Apples and Pears and Crafty Wares
- Bibbitybob
- Bright.Bazaar
- Bryn Hughes
- Cherished By Me
- Chipper Nelly
- Color Collective
- Craft House Design
- Creativity Speaks
- Fey Handmade
- Flora & Purl
- Found on Folksy
- Freckles Family
- Gilt & Grace
- Growing Spaces
- I need curtains for the window in my head.
- I ♥ Motherhood
- InceyWinceyMummy
- Kitschen Pink
- knitted with love
- laurafallulah
- Littlegreenshed - UK Lifestyle Blog
- Love and Devotion
- Lucykate Crafts . . .
- Midlands Mums
- MissBuckle
- Mocha Beanie Mummy
- Mummy Alarm
- Mummy, Daddy and Me makes three
- Mummy, Daddy and me makes three!
- Mummy-Tips
- Mumra
- New Mum on the Blog
- New Mum Online
- notes on paper
- Poppy Loves - a women's lifestyle blog
- Pure Unadulterated Softthistle
- RahRah Repeats
- Read the BODIE and FOU★ Style Blog | Inspiring Design, Interiors & Fashion | Effortless style
- seventyseventyone design
- Shabby Blogs
- Stay At Home Mum Loving It Blog - From Marketing to Mummy in the blink of an eye!
- Sticky Fingers
- Support Independents
- The Bright Side
- The Coco Målé blog - your daily dose of interior design inspiration!
- The Little Deer
- The Modern Girl's Guide
- the pretty walrus
- the project lab
- The White Approach
- The Wife of an Artist
- This Mummy Loves...
- Tigerlilly Quinn
- Typecast
- UK Handmade
- Urban Sketchers
- Vintage Home
- Vintage Junky - Creating Character
- Violet Posy
- What Katie Found
- {KID} independent
- {paper and cloth}
Gender | Female |
Industry | Arts |
Location | Midlands, United Kingdom |
Introduction | A mum and wife seeking inspiration and motivation to create and enjoy the things that make her smile. |
Interests | Crafts, learning to knit, my cat(s), making jewellery, taking photos, car boot sales, browsing for hours on the internet, design, interior design, design icons, england, antiques, musuems, tea and cake |
Favorite Music | BC Camplight, Magic Numbers, The Zutons, Ed Harcourt, The Belles, David Mead, Brendon Benson, Sufjan Stevens, The Bees, Death Cab For Cutie, Iron & Wine, Kings of Convenience, Mum, The Shins, Simian, Tosca, Midlake, Band of Horses, James Brown, Camera Obscura, Fleet Foxes |