Divine Ms. Moon

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Law
Location Midwest, United States
Introduction I am a Midwestern professional woman with a passion for laughter, art, literature, poetry, mythology, music, history, volcanoes, the natural world, pizza, the moon, and the stars. I have a grown daughter who aspires to be an artist, and whose works you may see here from time to time. I hope to share thoughts with people who have similar interests and don't mind a little nonsense.
Interests Art, Music, History, Astronomy, Literature, Nature, Natural Sciences, Photography, Ephemera, Nonsense
Favorite Movies The Wizard of Oz forms the foundation of my entirely pop philosophy.
Favorite Music Later.
Favorite Books Pride and Prejudice, Custom of the Country (Edith Wharton), Lord of the Rings, Childhood's End, The Mote In God's Eye, Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass, and many others ... subject to change without notice.

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