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About me

Location West Midlands, United Kingdom
Introduction Ever since I can remember, I have enjoyed dabbling with a variety of crafts. My earliest crafting memories are of spending hours doing 'corking' or 'french Knitting' at my grandmother's house, using a wooden cotton reel with four short nails tapped into it and endless tangles of coloured wool. I also have fond memories of those little knitting kits, that came in a container that was made of the same material as an egg box. Happy days! My interests now, range from textiles to ceramics, with knitting,felting, sewing and card making in between. I've reached a stage where I feel I know a little about a lot of different crafts. I'm still striving to become a master of at least one! My favourite craft adventures at the moment, include digital collaging using PSP Elements, rubber stamp making with my imagpac kit and getting to know my Craft Robo. When not crafting or looking after my family, I work part-time as a teacher, supporting visually impaired children.I also teach ceramics in a primary school and do occasional art residencies in mainly primary and special schools. Phew! I didn't realise I was that busy.