Base Experience

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About me

Gender Male
Location Slough!, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
Introduction I stroke the funk out of some seriously wacked out basses. 20 years live and recording experience. I am into working with musicians with spark!
Interests MUSIC. Bass playing. Making people grin from ear to ear while becoming exhausted. Helping security guards stop people falling onto the stage heh heh Getting David Hasselhoff into posters...
Favorite Movies Bladerunner (oh yes), strange days, V for vendetta, A.I. (except for the family characterisation, that was crap)
Favorite Music Anything with hard bass in it. So any of you guitarists out there who thing Bass is easy can go die die die die!
Favorite Books Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, John Peel's biog

How do you pronounce the 'g' in bologna?

nya, as the italians hoped it would be, I hope....