Cait Throop

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About me

Gender Female
Occupation Weaver
Location Potsdam, New York, United States
Introduction I have been weaving for 24 years and selling for almost as long! I have slowed down my weaving since my cancer diagnosis and subsequent Whipple surgery but still weave on and off during the day when I have the energy! I currently sell my work on I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in December, 2009. Had Whipple surgery in January 2010 and have had clear CT scans since! We are hopeful for a long and happy life! As an update...I had a valve replacement in May 2016 and apologize for not answering comments or blogging! I am off to NYC February 15, 2017 for surgery on the 16th to remove a little spot of lung cancer. Hopefully recovery will be uneventful and I will be back at weaving soon!