Greg Jones Jr.
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Gender | Male |
Industry | Arts |
Location | West Hills, California, United States |
Introduction | I'm an animator, story artist, overall geek, and proud to be all three! |
Interests | Animation (of course), Late Night Screenings, Classic and Modern Video Games, Baseball |
Favorite Movies | The Star Wars Trilogy, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Princess Mononoke, The Jungle Book, My Neighbor Totoro, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, The Iron Giant, The Jungle Book, Wall-E, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Castle in the Sky, Waking Sleeping Beauty, Up, Gremlins, Toy Story, Halloween, Pinocchio, The Seven Samurai, The Secret of NIMH, Millennium Actress, Whisper of the Heart, Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise, The Wizard, The Rescuers Down Under, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, The 400 Blows, The Ideon: Be Invoked |
Favorite Music | John Williams, Michael Jackson, Loreena McKennit, David Newman, The Roots, Jerry Goldsmith |
Favorite Books | Mouse Guard, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, The Illusion of Life, A Drifting Life, Watchmen, Redwall |