Puan Ninie

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Industry Government
Occupation Executive PA
Location Kuala Lumpur, WPKL, Malaysia
Introduction a StOrY oF mY sIMplE lIfE..THe INtENdeD SuRE reaLISm Is Now bEcOmINg a MeLOdrAma..faIrytAlES is sUPPoSe To bE EntERTaIninG,iT defY aLL loGiCS Or Any laW oF ReLevAnCy..My LiFE iS aL aBOuT hOPe And DREamS.I don’t wAnt To deCeIt PeOPLe WiTh My ‘voice’ HeRe..
Interests Anything to do wif hubby n my baby..
Favorite Movies P rAmLEE's
Favorite Music aNythInG hE sAng To Me..;p
Favorite Books My DiaRi..;D