Thayne and Jenny

About me

Location Cedar City, Utah, United States
Introduction We are both VERY busy with all we do but we wouldn't have it any other way! We are both SO grateful for the jobs we have and couldn't be in a better place! We are the general Managers of Stadium Way and College Way Apartments (student housing), and Thayne is working full time at Southwest Plumbing Supply... again! There is always something for us to do which is a good :). I work full time at the apartments. I joined a private gym known as "Body Semester" and it has changed my life. I work out 5 days a week and work on eating right and living a healthy lifestyle everyday the best I can and I am feeling GREAT! Thayne is the executive secretary in our bishopric, which he loves and does a GREAT job at it, and I am the ward "program specialist" (I make the paper programs for sacrament). We will welcome our first little baby GIRL into our family in June, and we are thrilled! Other than that, Thayne and I enjoy the simple things in life. We like watching movies, going for walks, going out on hot dates, hanging out with friends and family, but mostly we just love to be together as much as we can!