Daniel Dawn

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About me

Gender Male
Location Tainan City, Taiwan
Interests Photography, reading, music, ...
Favorite Movies I am a landscape photographer from Taiwan, R.O.C. My sunrise/sunset shots are all taken with ● Black Card Technique 黑卡技法; ● No HDR-procession; ● No GND/ND filters. If you are interested in my works, they are available at Getty Images . . 我拍照喜歡獨自一人,受不了吵雜,甚至有點孤僻、自閉。 通常我會戴上耳機聽音樂,聽鋼琴音樂。 是的,抽離自我是必然的; 我通常會在一個點花上數個小時,直至最後一絲可用的光線消失為止。 拍攝風景時我的情緒是:寧靜的、獨立的、蒼茫的、壯闊的。 我想風景攝影之所以如此迷人,應該是因為這樣吧; 當我站在天與地之間,眼前是一片浩瀚的大海, 伴隨的或許是絢爛醉人的夕色,或許是震懾人心的烏雲, 我都覺得自己的渺小,大自然的偉大。 目睹這等景色時,我常會覺得自己好幸運,好光榮, 因為造物選擇了我來此幫祂拍下祂創作的這幅絕妙景緻, 祂差遣我來幫祂拍下這畫面給世人觀賞。 --------- All rights reserved. None of my photographs and translation of the quotes may be used without my written permission, including copying, reproducing, storing, publishing, duplicating, or transmitting by any other means. The use of my photographs and translation of the quotes in other web pages or blogs without my written consent is prohibited. 版權所有。未經本人書面同意,請勿擅自拷貝、再製、儲存、出版、複製、傳送或以其他任何方式使用本人的照片及翻譯文字。 禁止未經本人書面同意而擅自使用本人的照片及翻譯文字於其他網頁、部落格上。
Favorite Books Albert Camus, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway