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Introduction Longtime advocates of the relationship between art and the everyday, we now invite you to play like children. With the thoughtful assistance of artists from around the globe with the mind of a philosopher, the soul of an artist and the eyes of a designer.… Join in, we promise it’ll be fun! The process of ‘Decalcomania’ stretches back into the history of art as a playful and curious technique to transfer work from one surface to another. German artist Max Ernst was a ‘Decalcomaniac’ as were surrealists Oscar Dominguez and Hans Bellmer. But who could blame them? The act of this transfer could transform a surface or object, including form and function and our perception of its meaning. We are all more familiar with the decal in a commercial context – most notably Letraset® who popularized the method on a wide scale in 1950’s until the widespread use of the personal computer and printing methods at the end of the 20th Century. After Letraset® the typeface was never the same, it has completely been transformed by transfer. Now in the new millennium Third Drawer Down©, in collaboration with a stable of international artists and designers is commencing a decalcomania renaissance.